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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Don Nicholson of Nimbus: Making it Rain

Nimbus Therapeutics is in the business of building structures. Molecular yes, but corporate too — they're unique and fit-for-purpose. CEO Don Nicholson explains it all: the partnerships, the code names, the high energy water, the bowling, the rapping. ...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Giving it his best Schadt

Eric Schadt may enjoy the simple things in life — high velocity, a good polo shirt — but he is the first to admit that life is not simple. Living things are such complex systems, in fact, that our best chance to promote wellness is to understand them a...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Alix Lacoste: Druggable Jeopardy!

Alix Lacoste crossed the ocean from France in search of new challenges, made her way to California, ran out of money and took up filmmaking in community college. Insert the windy road that led to Neurobiology degrees from Berkeley and Harvard. Today sh...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Patently Scott Kamholz

Strong patent protection has always been a cornerstone of the biotech industry — and table stakes in a VC deal. But inter partes review has significantly changed the game in the last 5 years. Enter Scott Kamholz. Scott is once, twice, three times a do...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Joe Allen on the Bayh-otechnology Industry

If you work in biotech, or venture capital, if you pay taxes, or take medicine… you really ought to know the name Joe Allen. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes in Washington to get the Bayh-Dole Act passed into law. Sponsored by Senators Birch Bayh...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Deborah Dunsire: Business XTuition

Deborah Dunsire was a general practitioner in South Africa when a motorcycle drove her into industry. And that side trip, ultimately routing her to Boston, is still going on. She built the North American Oncology unit at Novartis, launched Gleevec, ran...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  The Art of Pappas

Art Pappas had an extensive, international career in the pharma industry before going on to form his eponymous VC firm in the 90s. Pappas Ventures has been partnering with pharma ever since: licensing assets from them, selling portfolio companies to t...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Stacey Seltzer on VC: Timing Timing Timing

If the mantra in real estate is location location location, for venture capital it might just be timing timing timing. Stacey Seltzer made the move from big pharma into venture capital during a financial crisis and has gone on to build a wildly diverse...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Daily Digestif featuring Marc Pelletier

Marc was a podcaster before it was cool. That is, 2006. While producing over 100 hours of interviews on his show “Futures in Biotech” he confirmed his own future was in biotech, starting one and then another. Bypassing his jazz guitar talents and multi...
  Janelle R. Anderson author

  Daily Digestif featuring Sara Demy

If Biotech Showcase is the farm team for JPM, then Sara Demy is the coach. She literally got high fives as her new conference burst onto the scene, bust out of its first two locations, and now boasts 400 presenting companies and 1,000 investors. And th...
  Janelle R. Anderson author