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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Avsnitt 4–“Mental Toughness, Emotional Intelligence, and Coping Effectiveness: An Analysis of Construct Interrelatedness Among High-Performing Adolescent Male Athletes”

Denna vecka riktar vi våra blickar mot Sydafrika och Richard Cowdens artikel “Mental Toughness, Emotional Intelligence, and Coping Effectiveness: An Analysis of Construct Interrelatedness Among High-Performing Adolescent Male Athletes”. Vi diskuterar J...
  Henrik author

  Avsnitt 3–“Impact of Mindfulness Training on Physiological Measures of Stress and Objective Measures of Attention Control in a Military Helicopter Unit”

Denna vecka har vi läst “Impact of Mindfulness Training on Physiological Measures of Stress and Objective Measures of Attention Control in a Military Helicopter Unit” av Anders Meland, Kazuma Ishimatsu, Anne Marte Pensgaard, Anthony Wagstaff, Vivianne ...
  Henrik author

  Avsnitt 2“Current Approaches to Tactical Performance Analyses in Soccer Using Position Data”

Detta avsnitt tar vi upp “Current Approaches to Tactical Performance Analyses in Soccer Using Position Data” av Memmert D, Lemmink KA och Sampaio J. Vi pratar också om flytande och kristalliserad intelligens och sommarens EM-slutspel. Inspelat 2016-06-...
  Henrik author

  Avsnitt 1–“Neural underpinnings of superior action prediction abilities in soccer players.”

I vårt första avsnitt kommer vi läsa “Neural underpinnings of superior action prediction abilities in soccer players.” av S Makris och C Urgesi. Vi pratar dessutom om self-efficacy och Champions League-finalen. Avsnittet spelades in 6 juni 2016.
  Henrik author