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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Who Won the Socialist Calculation Debate (with Peter Boettke)

For more than a century, some economists have insisted that central planning can outperform markets. Economists like Mises, Hayek, and Friedman disagreed. Who won this debate? Is it over? Does AI change how we should think about the power of planning? ...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Minimalists and Hoarders (with Michael Easter)

Why do we buy stuff we don't need? Maybe for the same reason that some people can't stand stuff at all. Listen as author Michael Easter speaks with EconTalk's Russ Roberts about how two seemingly opposed approaches to our possessions--minimalism and ho...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Coase, the Rules of the Game, and the Costs of Perfection (with Daisy Christodoulou)

Surely perfection is better than imperfection. But applying technology to improve decision-making can backfire. Listen as ed-tech innovator Daisy Christodoulou and EconTalk's Russ Roberts talk about the costs of seeking perfection when technology is us...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Why AI Is Good for Humans (with Reid Hoffman)

Should we worry about the human future in a world of AI? Reid Hoffman is unafraid and even optimistic. He argues that the brave new world that awaits is going to be great for humanity. Listen as he talks about his book Superagency with EconTalk's Russ ...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Weep, Shudder, Die: The Secret of Opera Revealed (with Dana Gioia)

How can opera, with words we rarely understand, make us cry? Why does opera, filled with melodrama, move us? Listen as poet and librettist Dana Gioia explains to EconTalk's Russ Roberts why words matter more than we think, in both opera and on Broadway...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Will DOGE and Musk Make a Difference? (with Michael Munger)

Can Musk use DOGE to reduce the size and power of the bureaucracy and big government? Michael Munger of Duke University thinks not, but EconTalk's Russ Roberts isn't so sure. Listen as they discuss the risks of empowering bureaucrats to rein in other b...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Understanding the Settler Colonialism Movement (with Adam Kirsch)

Under settler colonialism, you're either a settler or indigenous and the sin of the founding of America, Australia, and Israel, for example, is not just a past injustice but a perpetuating mistake that explains the present. Listen as poet, author, and ...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  The Power of Nuance: Lessons for Public Health (with Emily Oster)

Public health officials should tell the truth, even when it's complicated. Even when some people might misunderstand. Otherwise, says economist Emily Oster of Brown University, the public will come to distrust the people we need to trust if we are to m...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Fixing Sick Cities (with Alain Bertaud)

Why are European cities charming and American cities often so charmless? Simple, says urbanist Alain Bertaud: most American cities are zoned for single-family housing. The result is not enough customers within walking distance of a business, and not en...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author

  Is This War With Lebanon Different? (with Matti Friedman)

Is Israel's war with Lebanon going to end differently from past attempts to secure Israel's northern border? Journalist Matti Friedman, who recounted his experience as a soldier in Lebanon in his book Pumpkinflowers, reflects on that experience in ligh...
  EconTalk: Russ Roberts author