X& Y On The Fly - Dating Podcast | Love | Sex | Relationships

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Episode 83--X & Y On The Fly--What If We Have Sex Too Soon?

Nowadays we live in a culture that extols selfhood and immediate gratification. As marriage becomes less revered as an institution, lots of people are asking if there's really any reason to hold off from having sex extremely early in the relationship.....
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 82--X & Y On The Fly--Dating And Relating: The Next 25 Years

Last week we covered how dating and relating between men and women has evolved over the past quarter century. But what about the next 25 years...and indeed the rest of this century coming up? What's going on with gender politics? Are people finally sic...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 81--X & Y On The Fly--Dating And Relating: The Last 25 Years

Exactly 25 years and one week ago, everyone's attention was on whether or not the dreaded Y2K bug was going to crash the world's computer systems and make planes fall out of the sky. And even as we partied like it was 1999, nobody's nose was buried in ...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 80--X & Y On The Fly--Should We Get Into A Relationship At All?

Okay, I'm going to admit right up front that Emily and I obviously believe relationships are worth getting into, since we've shared a great one together for almost 19 years. But we also completely get that YOU might not be like US. In this episode we a...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 79--X & Y On The Fly--Is That A Dealbreaker?

In this episode Emily and I address the sticky topic of dealbreakers in a relationship. Is having too many dealbreakers--or focusing on them--a dealbreaker in and of itself? You know, the 'don't bother' chick, for example? Is being 'high maintenance' a...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 78--X & Y On The Fly--Kickin' It Old Skool With My Baby

First and foremost, if you think even for a second that this episode is going to be about two dinosaurs reminiscing about the past, you're in for a surprise. Given that we've been totally immersed in dating and relationship stuff for nearly 20 years, w...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 77--X & Y On The Fly--Underrated Ways To Know You've Found "The One"

Lots of dating and relationship advice talks about how to know when you've finally met the right partner to build a long-term relationship with. And yes, by now we know the basics about attraction, 'chemistry', sexual compatibility, shared values, shar...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 77--X & Y On The Fly--Underrated Ways To Know You've Found "The One"

Lots of dating and relationship advice talks about how to know when you've finally met the right partner to build a long-term relationship with. And yes, by now we know the basics about attraction, 'chemistry', sexual compatibility, shared values, shar...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 76--X & Y On The Fly--Dating And Relationships With Someone Younger

Finally, here's the full episode on a topic that everyone wonders about. It's no secret that men often want to date younger women. But what is it about those guys who are actually successful at doing so? And is it really true that many amazing young wo...
  Scot and Emily McKay author

  Episode 76--X & Y On The Fly--Dating And Relationships With Someone Younger

Finally, here's the full episode on a topic that everyone wonders about. It's no secret that men often want to date younger women. But what is it about those guys who are actually successful at doing so? And is it really true that many amazing young wo...
  Scot and Emily McKay author