The Teen Mind

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  6 - Loosen Your Grip

On today's show, we talk about a force that has the potential to make an impact on the depression and anxiety of millions of people.  What is that force, and how can it help you and your family.     So, what’s up with David? One thing I haven’t told yo...

  5 - No One Will Ever Love Me

We take a close look at David’s mind using an approach that has probably helped more people with anxiety and depression than any other mental health model.   Tags: parenting, parenting teens, parenting skills, teen depression, teen anxiety, teen, teens...

  4 - A Part of Me

David learns a way of thinking about and listening to his anxiety that finally helps it calm down.

  3 - Why Does My Son Have Anxiety?

Today, we explore what causes David’s anxiety. Is it nature or nurture?  And why is David’s amygdala triggered so badly by one bad grade? The amygdala is supposed to keep us safe from things like predators and starvation. So what we’re really asking he...

  2 - My Son has Anxiety

We find out that David has anxiety.  Okay...but what exactly does that mean?  A little brain science, a little physiology, and a tiny little TSA agent.   Find more at theteenmind.comMusic: paragraphs.bandcamp.comemail me:

  1 - I'm Worried about My Son

Sheila finds her son, David, awake in the middle of the night.  Something is wrong and he's not talking about it.  Find out more at Tags: parenting, parenting teens, parenting skills, teen depression, teen anxiety, teen, teens, teenager...