Q-90.1's Our Universe

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  The Strong Force

There are four fundamental forces that govern every interaction that happens in the universe and the strong nuclear force is responsible for keeping the nucleus of an atom together.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  Starlink and Space Junk

Never before in Earth’s history have we seen such a dramatic increase in the number of artificial satellites, and potential future debris, in orbit around the planet.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  The Power of Lasers

Whether or not you realize it, many things you do in your day-to-day life rely on laser technology. Let’s go through how lasers works and some potential applications.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  How Long Do Stars Live?

What determines how long a star like our Sun lives? It’s been around about four and a half billion years, so why hasn’t it burned out yet? Also, what about all the other stars in our galaxy? How long will they live? Let’s take a look at the lifecycle a...
  Delta College Public Radio author

  Our Place in the Universe

The universe is vast, and our place in the universe has been the subject of a large amount of research. Let’s take a close look at Earth’s place in the universe.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  How Practical is Solar Energy?

How practical is solar energy and putting solar panels up on your roof? What exactly will that accomplish for the environment and for your finances? Today, we’re going to look at the practical aspects of powering your home and community with solar.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  Extreme Temperatures of the Solar System

Earth has a pretty large range of temperatures, but make no mistake about it, even with the extremes from Death Valley to the South Pole, it’s still mild here compared to any other world.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  All About Telescopes

To take a closer look at the wonderous nature of the night sky, you may have considered getting a telescope at some point. Today, we look at different telescope types and a couple potential ways to see deeper into the universe.
  Delta College Public Radio author

  Measuring the Vast Distance to a Star

Stars are so ridiculously distant that it’s hard to understand just how far-off they are. But how do we know, really, how far away stars are?
  Q-90.1 FM WUCX author

  A Planet Far, Far Away

How may planets do we know of outside of our solar system… beyond the influence of our Sun? When a planet is found to orbit a star other than the Sun, it is called an exoplanet. Currently, there are around 5,000 known exoplanets.
  Q-90.1 FM WUCX author