Join Mr. G as he gives intermediate and advanced English lessons to his fascinating students.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2017-02-23 |
English Fundamentals: Much - Many - A Lot (of) - Can - Could English Fundamentals: Much - Many - A Lot (of) - Can - Could(Clase impartida en español)If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:www.tyespecialsessions.blogspot.comVideo Coursewww.transformyourenglish.comE-mailggkawas@gmail.comTwitt... |
2017-02-06 |
Basic - Dave& Meli VII - ep 17 - Exercising, cooking, letting off steam. Transform Your English Special SessionsIntermediateDave& Meli VIII - Exercising, cooking, letting off steam...Join us in this class and continue taking your English to new levels, every class!In this lesson:- How to say "deshacerse de algo o alguie... |
2016-11-10 | Transform Your English Special SessionsMr. G -Â Deep Review of Grammar BasicsCheck your progress and your grammar with this lesson!Make sure you completely understand and use all variations of the verb "To Be" and the auxiliary "Have".These are fundamen... |
2016-10-18 |
Mr. G - ep 15 - Tips and Techniques to Practice Your English Listening Skills Transform Your English Special SessionsMr. G - Tips and Techniques to Practice Your English Listening Skills In this Special Special Sessions Podcast Mr. G talks about 3 powerful techniques to practice and improve your English listening skills.These ex... |
2016-10-12 |
Basic - Dave& Meli VII - ep 14 - Discussing movies, trips& fun! Transform Your English Special SessionsIntermediateDave& Meli VII - Discussing movies, trips& fun!Learn my favorite technique to increase the impact and descriptiveness of your English quickly and efficiently!Also, continue improving your pronu... |
2016-10-08 | Transform Your English Special SessionsBasicDave& Meli VI - Get used to it!Learn vocabulary to talk about the status of projects, the structure to communicate that you are "accustomed to something", and polish&refine diverse aspects of your Eng... |
2016-08-25 | Transform Your English Special SessionsBasicDave& Meli V - Too Much Work!Dave and Meli are really improving their English now! You can see the tremendous difference between their level in session 1 and now, only 5 sessions later...Are you getting b... |
2016-08-15 |
Basic - Dave& Meli IV - ep 11 (Refine diverse aspects of your Grammar) Transform Your English Special SessionsBasicDave& Meli IV - Refine diverse aspects of your GrammarAprende, pule y refina componentes importantĂsimos de tu gramática en inglĂ©s que te ayudarán a expresarte mejor y a formar enunciados correctamente en... |
2016-08-11 | Transform Your English Special SessionsBasicDave& Meli III - Restaurants& FoodEn este episodio aprenderás una fantástica y sencilla manera de ordenar bebida y comida en cualquier restaurante donde se hable inglés; además, aprenderás trucos y té... |
2016-07-21 | Transform Your English Special SessionsBasicDave& Meli II - Health& InjuriesEn esta sesión aprenderás vocabulario relacionado con la salud, heridas y términos médicos, descubrirás cómo pronunciar correctamente los verbos que terminan en -ED, pr... |