Academic Medicine Podcast

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Navigating the Shadow Economy of Effort in the Residency Application and Selection Process

Authors Eric Warm, MD, and David Hirsh, MD, and medical student Kate Jennings join host Toni Gallo to discuss the unintended consequences of the shift to pass/fail grading in undergraduate medical education and current challenges in the residency appli...

  My First Foley

As I reflect on my initial years of training, I am deeply moved by the kindness that surrounded me, especially during hands-on interactions with patients as an anxious new trainee. The warmth and guidance that were shown to me had a profound influence...

  Cup of Tea?

In some ways, I walked a mile in the refugee doctors’ shoes. I learned about culture through my mistakes instead of being explicitly taught. Although mistakes aid learning, they also have the potential to erode relationships. Samantha E. Smith reflec...

  Innovations in Education Scholarship and Scholarly Publishing: A Conversation with Lauren Maggio, PhD, MS

Lauren Maggio, PhD, MS(LIS), joins host Toni Gallo to discuss open science and innovations in education scholarship and scholarly publishing, including the role of AI. As the new editor-in-chief of MedEdPORTAL, Lauren also shares what makes the journal...

  The Tattooed Connection: Nurturing Curiosity in Medicine

Above all, the impact of this initial connection between us on his engagement in the care journey filled me with a profound sense of accomplishment. What would have become of Bernard without this connection? This experience confirmed for me the import...

  Baby J’s Song

I realize it’s my calling to hear heartache, but it’s also my calling to feel hope, see beauty, and experience life in its entirety. Final-year Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Midwifery student Hailey Sommerfeld reflects on a shift that began with s...

  The Cat

There is an unspoken understanding that nursing is both an art and a science. Often, you will be called to use your critical-thinking skills and training to help save lives. Other days, you will need to show compassion and understanding to meet the ne...

  Apartment 5 on Dolphin Drive

Something special happens when you work in the field. It speaks to you. It calls on the bounty of your generosity. It coaxes you to the precipice of your creativity, and it demands that you become sharper, savvier, and more self-possessed. If you list...

  "Rediscovering My Why": Exploring the Role of the Arts and Humanities in Residency Training

Andrew Orr, MD, MSEd, and Dorene Balmer, PhD, join host Toni Gallo to discuss their study of a longitudinal arts and humanities curriculum for internal medicine interns, which is part of this year’s Research in Medical Education (RIME) collection. Also...

  Rethinking Assessment and Supporting Learners Through Failure and Remediation

Lynnea Mills, MD, joins host Toni Gallo to discuss her new study of medical students’ experiences of failure and remediation in the United States and the Netherlands, which is part of this year’s Research in Medical Education (RIME) collection. Also jo...