Aaron’s Dad travels to the past to bring kids several recommendations from the future for GREAT podcasts to enjoy while school is out! View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
FINALE Part 3 of 3 - Aaron, Delaney, and Ezra must stop the events set in motion by PRIME to save the Mesozoic world! View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
FINALE Part 2 of 3 - Aaron's final encounter with PRIME forces them both to rethink the role science plays in our lives. View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
FINALE Part 1 of 3 - Aaron, Delaney, and Ezra's search for PRIME teleports them further back in time than they have ever been. View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
Aaron, Delaney, and Ezra are reunited on the eve of a Prehistoric Holiday as they formulate a plan to find PRIME. View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
Aaron and FLASH must figure out why they have been teleported to a Mesozoic jungle where dinosaurs are just beginning to evolve. View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com
Aaron travels to the future in search of Princess Scientist and discovers the secret of PRIME's identity. View full episode show notes at www.MyDogRocket.com