TEFL Training Institute Podcast

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Making Meaningful Language Using Games (with Andrew Wright)

Andrew Wright (author of 5 Minute Activities and Games for Language Learning) talks to us about using games in language class.For more podcasts, videos and blogs, visit our website Support the podcast – buy us a coffee!Develop yourself! Find more about...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  What's The Best Way To Become A Better Teacher (With Thomas Guskey)

In a special end of year double length episode, Professor Thomas Guskey, author of Evaluating Professional Development talks to us about the best way to help teachers learn and the evidence for workshops, peer observations and what the best teachers do...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  Changing Approaches and Methods in the Language Classroom (with Anne Carmichael)

We speak with Anne Carmichael, Trinity Diploma in TESOL course director and moderator about what it was like to experience the changes from grammar translation to audio-lingualism to communicative language teaching.For more podcasts, videos and blogs, ...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  Mediating Language, Texts and Coursebooks (with Ceri Jones)

Coursebook writer and teacher trainer Ceri Jones talks to us about mediation. How can teachers mediate their coursebook content to make it more meaningful for students? Why are students now expected to be able to mediate between languages? And how can ...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching (with Jonathan Newton)

  TEFL Training Institute author

  8th Anniversary: Changes to Teacher Training

We speak with friends and experts about teacher training and what needs to change.
  TEFL Traning Institute author

  PPP vs Task Cycles (with Jane Willis)

Jane Willis joins us to discuss the drawbacks of PPP and the benefits and challenges of using task cycles for language lessons. willis-ELT.co.ukFor more podcasts, videos and blogs, visit our website Support the podcast – buy us a coffee!Develop yoursel...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  The Downsides to Speaking (with Professor Stephen Krashen)

In this episode, Stephen Krashen tells Ross some of the arguments against forcing students to speak, something which might not just be inefficient, but in some cases counterproductive.For more podcasts, videos and blogs, visit our website Support the p...
  TEFL Training Institute author

  Is Your Training Making a Difference (with Niamh Ryan)

My friend Niamh Ryan, joins me to talk about evaluating teacher training. How can you tell if your training is making a difference?
  TEFL Training Institute author

  Remembering More, Forgetting Less (with Lesley Painter-Farrell)

In this episode, I  had the privilege of speaking with Professor Lesley Painter Farrell about how we can help students retain more language lessons for the long haul. During the podcast, Lesley outlines the difference between short-term learning and lo...
  TEFL Training Institute author