We retired this podcast, because we couldn't parse it for 10 consecutive times.
Sessions from the Web Directions conference series. Sessions are © Web Directions and the respective speakers. See individual sessions for license details.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2011-11-06 | Learn how to build high performance Internet and web applications with Node.js. In is session Tom Hughes-Croucher will demonstrate how to quickly build a high performance chat server using Node.js. This live coding exercise will provide a real insight ... |
2011-11-06 |
Christopher Giffard - HTML5 Video, Captioning, and Timed Metadata HTML5 Video has been a hot topic for the last couple of years - but with new additions to the specification, we can now extend it beyond all recognition. In this session we’ll look at basic timed data, closed captioning and more - and as we adventure i... |
2011-11-06 |
Julio Cesar Ody - CSS3 and Backbone.js for killer mobile apps Learn how to build great looking and high performance mobile web applications leveraging CSS3 animations and Backbone.js, along with some cool use cases for geolocation and localStorage. This session will describe in length a boilerplate you can use f... |
2011-11-06 | The Australian War Memorial is connecting and enriching online archives and collections toward building a platform for telling history. Through Drupal 7 and Linked Data, the Memorial intends to develop tools that designers, researchers and historians c... |
2011-11-06 | WCAG2 is a long series of documents. Gian Wild knows this better than most: she spent six years on the W3C WCAG Working Group writing them. It’s a lot to ask that every developer and project manager read the complete guidelines, including informative c... |
2011-11-06 | Mozilla is dedicated to ensuring that competition and innovation thrive on the Internet. In the last decade we rescued the Web from a near-monopoly and restored competition to the browser market. Now the standards-based Web platform is evolving rapidly... |
2011-11-06 | The key idea of the Semantic Web is to make information on the Web easily consumable by machines. As machines start to understand web pages as sources of data that can be easily combined with other public data on the Web, the promise is that search on ... |
2011-11-05 | Augmented Reality lets you peel away the blinkers from your real world eyes to see the rich data and information that exists all around you. But up until now it has relied largely on proprietary tools and standards. Finally, we’re close to being able t... |
2011-11-05 |
Michael Honey& Tim Riley - Web or native? Smart choices for smartphone apps Computers are increasingly being held in the hand rather than sitting atop lap or desk. We now have to consider how our products will work underneath a finger instead of a mouse cursor. Increasingly, too, those products are being delivered as native ap... |
2011-11-05 |
Lisa Herrod - Accessibility for web teams: Recategorising WCAG 2 using a role-based approach The application of web accessibility guidelines in a holistic manner across all roles of a web team continues to encounter resistance. This is often due to a lack of resources and knowledge, or no sense of relevancy in certain web roles. While there is... |