We retired this podcast, because we couldn't parse it for 10 consecutive times.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2011-06-28 | André och Anders fortsätter att diskutera svenska fenomen. Den här veckan pratar de om Systembolaget och det statliga monopolet som reglerar försäljning och konsumtion av alkohol i Sverige. André and Anders continue their discussions of Swedish ph...Th... | |
2011-06-17 | En pastor fick stor uppmärksamhet i media nyligen för att ha förutspått att jorden skulle gå under den 21 maj 2011. André och Anders pratar om apokalypsens renässans. A preacher gained much attention in the media recently for his prediction that t...Th... | |
2011-06-01 | André och Anders pratar kort om begreppet social kompetens och den oproportionerligt stora betydelse som det har i arbetslivet. André and Anders talk briefly about social competence and the disproportionate importance placed on it in the job marke...Th... | |
2010-01-06 | A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. Part 10 of 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part. This story is available in other languages at LingQ. You can use these versions to provide a direct translation. Diff...Th... | |
2009-12-23 | A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. Part 9 of 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part. This story is available in other languages at LingQ. You can use these versions to provide a direct translation. Diffi...Th... | |
2009-12-09 | A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. Part 8 of 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part. This story is available in other languages at LingQ. You can use these versions to provide a direct translation. Diffi...Th... | |
2009-11-25 | It is clear after this podcast that André and Anders have developed an unhealthy addiction to TV-shows of all kinds. This week they talk about everything from Swedish soap opera classics like “Three Crowns” and “The Shipping Company” to more recen...Th... | |
2009-11-25 | A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. Part 7 of 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part. This story is available in other languages at LingQ. You can use these versions to provide a direct translation. Diffi...Th... | |
2009-11-11 | A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant. Part 6 of 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part. This story is available in other languages at LingQ. You can use these versions to provide a direct translation. Diffi...Th... | |
2009-10-29 | André and Anders talk about the financial crisis and the relationship between work and identity. In society, unemployment can often lead to depression when an unemployed person starts to question their identity and role in society. Another problem...Th... |