Radio D Series 1 | Learning German | Deutsche Welle

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Episode 26 – Saying Goodbye to Ayhan

It's a sad day in the Radio D office. Ayhan is saying goodbye and moving back to Turkey. Although his co-workers have prepared a surprise for him, the farewell party can't lift the blue mood. Paula comes to work in the morning to find everyone is prep...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 26 – Saying Goodbye to Ayhan

It's a sad day in the Radio D office. Ayhan is saying goodbye and moving back to Turkey. Although his co-workers have prepared a surprise for him, the farewell party can't lift the blue mood. Paula comes to work in the morning to find everyone is prep...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 25 – Greeting the Ships

The journalists try to understand the term "getürkt" and visit an unusual port where every ship is greeted in a particular way. At Port Willkomm-Höft, each ship is greeted with the national anthem of the country whose flag it's flying under. In their ...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 25 – Greeting the Ships

The journalists try to understand the term"getürkt" and visit an unusual port where every ship is greeted in a particular way. At Port Willkomm-Höft, each ship is greeted with the national anthem of the country whose flag it's flying under. In their r...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 24 – The Editor's Desk

Eulalia the owl helps get Paula and Philipp on the right track. They discover that their co-workers from the Hamburg newspaper are in on the game. Paula, Philipp and Eulalia find out that the Hamburg newspaper thought up the shark in the port basin an...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 24 – The Editor's Desk

Eulalia the owl helps get Paula and Philipp on the right track. They discover that their co-workers from the Hamburg newspaper are in on the game. Paula, Philipp and Eulalia find out that the Hamburg newspaper thought up the shark in the port basin an...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 23 – The Shark Fin

Paula and Philipp solve the mystery of the shark sighting and once again uncover a fraud. However, the reason for the staged incident is unclear at first. While looking for the missing surfer, Paula and Philipp meet a diver and discover a clue. With a...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 23 – The Shark Fin

Paula and Philipp solve the mystery of the shark sighting and once again uncover a fraud. However, the reason for the staged incident is unclear at first. While looking for the missing surfer, Paula and Philipp meet a diver and discover a clue. With a...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 22 – The Missing Surfer

Philipp and Paula search for traces of the shark and make a peculiar discovery. A surfboard without a surfer in the port basin and a confusing newspaper article peak their interest. Away from the chaos of the crowd, the two journalists investigate the...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Episode 22 – The Missing Surfer

Philipp and Paula search for traces of the shark and make a peculiar discovery. A surfboard without a surfer in the port basin and a confusing newspaper article peak their interest. Away from the chaos of the crowd, the two journalists investigate the...
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author