We retired this podcast, because we couldn't parse it for 10 consecutive times.
Let's LEARN ENGLISH.每周分享五个地道的英语习语,一首音乐,还有各种干货。欢迎提出批评和意见,有意加入电台请联系 Email:frank_1ee@icloud.com 或是微博:@Frank_1ee。
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2015-10-04 | 介绍: 短元音[ ə]唇形:口腔半张,开口度与[e]相似,嘴唇扁平舌形:舌身平放口中,舌尖抵下齿,注意肌肉要放松,听上去类似于汉语中轻音“了、的、么”中包含的韵母,但不要发成汉语的“饿”,因为这个元音永远是一个弱读音:单词:china campus soda famous句子:it is a book about China .这是一本介绍中国的书。注意区别以下四组词:Bet but Deck duckCheck chuckJail angel轻度卷舌音[ɚ]唇形:与元音[ ə]一样,保持[ ə]的... |
2015-10-04 | 视频 Youtube 链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChZJ1Q3GSuI视频文字稿:Hi again, welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam. Today, I'm going to help you sound a little bit more like a native speaker, hopefully. Students ask me all the time: "How can I sound lik... |
2015-10-04 | 文章链接:https://medium.com/life-hacking-2/the-ultimate-guide-to-learning-anything-faster-4ef555034c8c音乐:- Ihi Datta Ne - DEPAPEPE |
2015-10-04 | 长元音[ɑ:] 首先唇形:口腔上下打开,即上下张开;其次舌形:舌尖离开下齿,舌身放平,舌根部抬起单词 :ask laugh answer bath1)如果这个音后面跟着辅音/f/, /s/,/n/,/θ/,而且又是美音的话,则要变成/æ/2)如果这个音后面有卷舌音/r/,注意发音时先完成/ɑ/的发音,然后舌尖尽量向上颚卷曲单词: bar park smart farm句子:a promise is a promise. 说话算话。Honesty is the best policy.诚实总是上策。长... |
2015-08-19 | 介绍: 1.marked downIf something is ‘marked down’ then it has a discounted price. 折扣价Example: ‘Are these shoes marked down?’2.nail downWhen you ‘nail down’ something then you confirm it.做决定、确认Example: ‘I would like to nail down the dates for the conferenc... |
2015-08-19 | 介绍: 元音[ɛ]唇形:嘴巴自然微张,上下齿之间约能伸进一个食指的距离舌形:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部有微微向上抬的趋势发这个音时。我们要注意两点,第一,[ɛ][与[i]的区别在于口型,前者口型略大,后者口型较小。第二,美音中的[ɛ]要比英音中的[ɛ]开口要略小一些单词 check jet every melt 句子:please learn English step by step 学习英语,请一步一步来。I will never forget my best friend’s wedding. 我永远... |
2015-08-12 | 短元音[i] 短促有力 收小腹唇形:嘴巴自然微张,唇形呈扁平状态舌形:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部向上抬,其位置要比[i:]略低,记住不要发成中文当中1234的1。单词 sit bit fish句子:Zip your lips 闭嘴长元音[i:] 唇形:嘴唇向两侧拉伸咧开,露出自然的笑容舌形:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部向上抬,其位置要比短元音i要高,注意发音时相比于短元音,要紧张一些。单词 bee tea green tea句子:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情... |
2015-08-12 | All of us want to invent that game-changing product, launch that successful company, write that best-selling book. And yet so few of us actually do it. TED Fellow and Brazilian entrepreneur Bel Pesce breaks down five easy-to-believe myths that ensure y... |
2015-08-03 | 1.knock backTo ‘knock back’ is to drink something quickly.一饮而尽。Example: ‘After our chat he was so thirsty he knocked back three cups of water.’ 2.idle awayTo ‘idle away’ means to waste time doing nothing.无所事事,游手好闲。Eg: ‘I idled away the whole day yester... |
2015-08-03 | 1.sleep on itTo ‘sleep on it’ is to delay making a decision, usually to give you more time to think about it with a clear mind. 当你需要更多的时间去做一个更好的决定时,你就可以说「sleep on it」Example: ‘I can’t decide now, I will sleep on it and let them know my answer tomorrow.... |