Shift: Living in the Digital Age

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  How social media is used to turn migrants into slaves

Advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook entice people with supposedly lucrative jobs in Europe. Those who respond are often exploited, even in rich countries like Germany.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  From refugee to refugee influencer

With videos of their own escape, some migrants have become famous practically en route while they were fleeing. Now, as influencers, they help others to recognize dangers on the way and earn good money in the process.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Will space labs help cure cancer soon?

Could we soon get better drugs and better computers thanks to research and production in space? Some companies bet big on the idea of working in zero gravity. Here is how you can benefit.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Koalas and Kagaroos Protected by AI

A precise head count is necessary to protect unique animals. How many individuals actually live where? In Australia, where bushfires threaten kangaroos and koalas, AI is now used for species protection.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Saving Elephants with AI Camera Traps

Poachers in Africa kill over 20,000 elephants every year. Rangers usually arrive too late. Dutch organization "Hack the Planet" has developed an intelligent camera trap that sends warnings in real time.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  How to make AI work for you

AI can help you boost your work productivity, reach your goals, and have more time for yourself. Some even believe a 4-day week is possible thanks to AI. How?
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Why companies harm the planet by hindering phone repair

Apple, Samsung & Co. make it very hard for you to fix your phone. The result: Tons of electric waste that pollute the environment. How do they justify that?
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Hunting for Deepfakes

Deepfakes are becoming better and easier to make thanks to better tools and more computing power. But deepfake hunters are also upgrading. A race for the truth has begun.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Taking action against misinformation

Videos with hate speech and fake news have achieved millions of views in Kenya. The fact-checkers from Fumbua, a local initiative, and a well-known TikTok influencer are working together to combat this.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author

  Why Chatbots Sometimes Lie

ChatGPT, Bard or Grok: AI-controlled chatbots can distort facts, because they are trained to always use the word that is statistically most likely to follow in a sentence. However, they do not yet understand context.
  DW.COM | Deutsche Welle author