Nerd Talk

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  The Lord of Horse Ghost Manor

We sure learned a lot this week - furries don't have to be furry necessarily, Gerg is going full heel, and praise the lord... of Horse Ghost Manor - Branden reveals a HUGE development during a new segment debuting on this all new episode of Nerd Talk+....

  Butt Stuffing

Perfect followup to Gravy Week. This week we learned that Thanksgiving is better in threes, what Branden used that murder for, and the perfect return of the Fat Bachelor! please head to to join in the fun, we love comments and Ceej is ...

  It's Gravy Week

Shake up your paint can we're going graffiti-ing - not Gerg though, he's calling the cops. We let Gravy talk during three segments this week bc if any week is Gravy week, it's Gravy Week. Also enjoy graffiti penises, a new name for our wipes, and you c...

  Johnny 5 - Doggy Style

What if cleaning up your instagram turned you on to a new much grosser experience?! Is Japan letting or making disabled people work harder? Is Gravy lost to the bomb cyclone?! All this and more! to participate. If you're listening via ...

  Is Gator Bird?

Apologies for the ****show that has been this week's episode. I'll talk about it at the top of next week's show. -Gregr We're taking Branden's wife to the Basho! Not an inside joke, we swear. Ceej is paying for all those Four Loko's. Gerg is a post Ja...

  Is Gator Bird? (Again)

We're taking Branden's wife to the Basho! Not an inside joke, we swear. Ceej is paying for all those Four Loko's. Gerg is a post Japan mess and he we forgot to talk about Musashi island... to join in! Please leave us a comment where yo...

  Konnichiwa Señorita

Gregr literally left a wedding to come blather on about Japan. Sorry in advance for the sound quality - the host is using airpods from a hotel in Kyoto and if there's one thing we usually do well, it's get the sound right so this is a bummer. Anyway, w...

  We're Breaking the Fourth Hole

Anyone else a fan of Gergse? We covered a lot in this episode including urethra facts, squid hands, and Branden's discomfort with us eating him first - him being back from Hawaii and tanned a delicious golden brown doesn't help his case.

  We Are Record Setters!

Well, three of us are record setters... the other one... woof. Branden's in Hawaii but somehow still found a store with the right supplies (spam probably) and an internet connection to join us. Heads up, this is a new platform we're using, so if anythi...

  Human Starfish

Boy this episode was a mess. Good luck, everybody. Here are the notes we took:  Hot sauce bukakeHoly IdahoListeranus LOGGING ONHUMAN STARFISHHOT SAUCE BUKAKE Sure one of those showed up twice, but at least it was the right one. Sorry I forgot about Cap...
  Audacy author