Foundations of Amateur Radio

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Being a Maverick is part of the deal

Foundations of Amateur Radio The story goes that the name of our hobby, at least in some parts of the world, ham radio, stems from the notion that we as a community were perceived as being ham-fisted in our ability to operate a Morse key. We apparentl...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  Planning for Contest Success

Foundations of Amateur Radio One of my recurring, you might call it, regrets, but probably not quite that strong, is that I often find myself discovering that an amateur radio contest came and went, or worse, I found out on the day, preferably at midn...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  About Australian Callsigns

Foundations of Amateur Radio Australia has a long relationship with callsigns. Over time the regulator, today the ACMA, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, has seen fit to introduce different types of callsigns and restrictions associat...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  How does the IARU work?

Foundations of Amateur Radio Over the past week I've been attempting to work out what the IARU, the International Amateur Radio Union, actually does and how it works. I started looking into this because the IARU is this year celebrating a century sin...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  Problem Solving or How to Access a Radio Remotely?

Foundations of Amateur Radio So, I have a confession. I don't know everything. Shocking right? Over the past too many months, actually, come to think of it, years, I have not been on-air with my station on HF using FT8 or Olivia, modes that use tools...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  Identity in Amateur Radio

Foundations of Amateur Radio The recent "incident" at the ARRL in which it disclosed that it was the "victim of a sophisticated network attack by a malicious international cyber group" brings into focus some serious questions around our community in r...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  Long Wave Radio

Foundations of Amateur Radio If you've heard the phrase "shortwave listeners", you might have wondered what on earth that was all about. It relates to the length of a radio wave used to transmit information. The length of a radio wave is tied to its ...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  The ARRL incident of May 2024

Foundations of Amateur Radio Today I want to talk about something that might feel only tangentially related to our hobby, but it likely affects you. Recently the ARRL announced that it was "in the process of responding to a serious incident involving...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  The origin of our amateur bands

Foundations of Amateur Radio The origin of our amateur bands It's hard to imagine today, but there was a time when there was no such thing as either the 80m or the 20m amateur band, let alone 2m or 70cm. Picture this. It's the roaring 20's, the 1920...
  Onno VK6FLAB author

  On the nature of Inspiration ..

Foundations of Amateur Radio Over the years you've heard me utter the phrase: "Get on air and make some noise!". It's not an idle thought. The intent behind it is to start, to do something, anything, and find yourself a place within the hobby of amate...
  Onno VK6FLAB author