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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Countercultures (fusion24)

In den 60er Jahren revolutionierte eine von Jugend-Bewegung die westliche Kultur. Die Hippies schufen eine echte Alternative zu Kapitalismus und Patriarchat und strebten eine Welt an, in der Frieden über Krieg siegt, alle Menschen gleich sind und der ...
  Chiara Baldini author

  Board Talk (osc24)

Board to Provide Talk Board to Provide Talk about this event:
  Douglas DeMaio author

  It´s demographics baby (fusion24)

Die plurale Gesellschaft wird rein statistisch betrachtet die neue Normalität, was uns vor drängende Verteilungs-, Repräsentations- und Teilhabefragen stellt. Statt die Transformation sinnvoll zu gestalten, wird Migration jedoch weiterhin zum Problem u...
  Für ein neues, inklusives Selbstbewusstsein trotz AfD author

  Open Source Panel Discussion: Chain Reaction (osc24)

Join us for an exciting and dynamic Open Source Panel Discussion, where the conversation and the panel itself are driven by the community! Kick-Off by Douglas DeMaio: Douglas DeMaio will kick off the panel discussion. Douglas will start by selecting t...
  Douglas DeMaio author

  Challenges in making Slowroll (osc24)

I want to tell about past and future challenges that I found in making the [openSUSE Slowroll]( distribution - a derivative of Tumbleweed. I want to tell about past and future challenges that I found in making...
  Bernhard M. author

  Standing Together (fusion24)

Die Graswurzelbewegung mobilisiert jüdische und palästinensische Bürger*innen Israels, um gemeinsam für Frieden, Gleichberechtigung, soziale und Klima-Gerechtigkeit einzutreten. Während die Minderheit, die vom Status quo der Besatzung und der wirtschaf...
  Naser Odat & Shir Yerushalmi author

  If we build it, will they come: Contribution Beyond Coding (osc24)

Tech communities, like any other communities out there, face similar challenges around awareness, adoption, and management. But with open source communities we are typically designing and building software, all with the idea that if we build it they wi...
  Robert Sirchia author

  sdbootutil: Mastering the Art of Boot Management (osc24)

In the ever-evolving landscape of system management, the **bootloader** is a critical component that often remains shrouded in mystery for many users. This presentation introduces **sdbootutil**, a powerful tool **designed to simplify** the management ...
  Tobias Görgens author

  Quick Start with ownCloud Infinite Scale (osc24)

Infinite Scale is ownCloud's new file-sharing application, rewritten in Go and designed with a scalable microservices architecture. It can run efficiently on your Raspberry Pi at home or in a large-scale Kubernetes deployment with 1M+ users. In this t...
  Tobias Baader author

  Smart ways to monitor your Linux systems using open source software (osc24)

In this talk, I will describe smart and intelligent open source based techniques you can use to monitor your Linux systems in order to avoid unnecessary outages and downtime. I will show how you can get quick and actionable alerts in case of system fa...
  zikusooka author