We retired this podcast, because we couldn't parse it for 10 consecutive times.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2015-09-27 | 放空-by范晓萱 |
2015-03-24 |
2015-03-24 | Dates and Numbers 日期和数字A:Hì,jīn tiān jǐ hào?A:嗨,今天几号?A:Hi, what is the date today?B:Jīn tiān sì yuè shí yī hào.B:今天四月十一号。B:Today is April 11th.A:Nǐ shì nǎ nián shēng de?A:你是哪年生的?A:In which year were you born?B:Wǒ shì yī jiǔ jiǔ èr nián shēng de.B:我是一九九... |
2015-03-24 | Booking a Hotel 订酒店A:Nǐ hǎo, jīn tiān wǎn shàng yǒu kōng fáng jiān ma?A:你好,今天晚上有空房间吗?A:Hello, have you got a vacant room tonight?B:Yǒu.B:有。B:Yes.A:Duō shǎo qián yī tiān?A:多少钱一天?A:How much money a day?B:Wǔ bǎi yuan.B:五百元。B:Five hundred yuan.A:Hǎo ba, wǒ... |
2015-02-26 | 吃北京烤鸭 Eating Roast Beijing DuckA:Cháng yī cháng, zhè shì zhèng zōng de Bĕijīng kǎo yā. A:尝一尝,这是正宗的北京烤鸭。A:Have a taste. This is traditional Roast Beijing Duck. B:Zěn me gè chī fǎ? B:怎么个吃法?B:How to eat it?A:Xiān ná yī zhāng báo bĭng, bă yā ròu fàng zài l... |
2015-02-22 | 在菜市场 In the Vegetable MarketA: Nín yào diăn er shén me?A: 您要点儿什么?A: What can I do for you?B: Pú táo duō shăo qián yī jīn? B: 葡萄多少钱一斤? B: What’s the price of grapes per jin?A: Wǔ kuài qián yī jīn.A:五块钱一斤。A: Five yuan per jin.B: Tài guì le, pián yi diănr... |
2015-02-17 | 在菜市场In the Vegetable MarketA: Bù hǎo yì si, wŏ xiăng bă Ào yuán huàn chéng Rén mín bì.A: 不好意思,我想把澳元换成人民币。A: Excuse me, I&`&d like to exchange some AUD for RMB.B: Qĭng nín xiān tián yī zhāng duì huàn dān.B: 请您先填张兑换单。B: Fill in the exchange form ... |
2015-02-15 | 点菜 Ordering FoodA: Nĭ men zhè er yŏu shén me tè sè cài?A: 你们这儿有什么特色菜?A: What are your specialties?B: Wŏ men de tè sè cài shì shuĭ zhŭ yú.B: 我们的特色菜是水煮鱼。B: The specialty is called Boiled Fish.A: Tīng qĭ lái bú cuò. Lái yī fèn er.A: 听起来不错。来一份儿。A: It soun... |
2015-02-15 | 问路 Asking the WayA: Qĭng wèn, Huăng lóng xī zĕnme zŏu?A: 请问,黄龙溪怎么走?A: Excuse me. How can I go to the Huanglongxi?B: Wăng qián zŏu, zài shí zì lù kŏu xiàng yòu guăi, zài zŏu wŭ fēnzhōng jiù dào le.B: 往前走,在十字路口向右拐,再走5分钟就到了。B: Go straight forward and tur... |
2015-02-15 | 中国式问候 Greetings in Chinese WayA:Nǐ hǎo!A:你好!A:Hello!B:Nǐ hǎo! Nǐ chī le ma?B:你好!你吃了吗?B:Hello! Have you eaten yet?A:Wǒ chī guò le . Nǐ ne?A:我吃过了。你呢?A:I have. How about you?B:Wǒ yě chī le . Nǐ qù nǎ er?B:我也吃了。你去哪儿?B:Me too. Where are you going?A:Wǒ qù ch... |