AT&T ThreatTraq is a roundtable discussion of current malware trends, observations, and recommendations from AT&T Security's Malware team.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2020-07-24 |
7/24/20 SigRed; Fast Chargers; Cloud Service Phishing; Internet Weather 7/24/20 SigRed; Fast Chargers; Cloud Service Phishing; Internet Weather |
2020-07-17 | 7/17/20 WastedLocker; OAuth; Firefox Send; Internet Weather |
2020-07-10 | Guacamole, FB Credential Stealing; BIG-IP; Internet Weather |
2020-07-03 | SMBleed; EKANS Ransomware; Docker Images Malware |
2020-06-26 |
Ripple20; VirusTotal AI; Markley Quiz; O365 Phishing; Internet Weather Ripple20; VirusTotal AI; Markley Quiz; O365 Phishing; Internet Weather |
2020-06-19 |
Intel CET; DDoS During COVID-19; Fake Ramsomware; Internet Weather Intel CET; DDoS During COVID-19; Fake Ramsomware; Internet Weather |
2020-06-12 |
Wormable Windows Flaw; Java Ransomware; TLS; Internet Weather Wormable Windows Flaw; Java Ransomware; TLS; Internet Weather |
2020-06-05 | Mandrake; Nworm; WHO Spoof; Internet Weather |
2020-05-29 | Ragnar Locker; Robocalls; Hoaxcalls; Internet Weather |
2020-05-22 |
RedBear; Supercomputer Cryptomining; Misconfigured Firebase; Internet Weather RedBear; Supercomputer Cryptomining; Misconfigured Firebase; Internet Weather |