Slacker & Steve

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Full show - FrYiday | Damage doing the deed | T. Hack cut his hair | Slacker wants to jump start his weight loss journey | HOA horror | Gen Z refuses to drink wine | This cereal commercial really grinds T. Hack's gears | New questions to ask on a first

Full show - FrYiday | Damage doing the deed | T. Hack cut his hair | Slacker wants to jump start his weight loss journey | HOA horror | Gen Z refuses to drink wine | This cereal commercial really grinds T. Hack's gears | New questions to ask on a first...
  Audacy author

  Is Slacker a sociopath?

You be the judge!
  Audacy author

  New questions to ask on a first date

"What's your sign?" is so out! Try these new questions out on your next date.
  Audacy author

  This cereal commercial really grinds T. Hack's gears

T. Hack can't make it through this cereal commercial without getting upset!
  Audacy author

  Stupid stories - FrYiday

These are all the stupid people we could find for today!
  Audacy author

  HOA horror

Slacker's HOA actually came through and helped him recently...but that still doesn't make up for their long, strenuous history! What's your HOA horror story?
  Audacy author

  Stories of the day - FrYiday - T. Hack cut his hair

T. Hack surprised everyone today with a new look. Did he make a big mistake?
  Audacy author

  Damage doing the deed

Sometimes the pain is worth it! What's your damage doing the deed story?
  Audacy author

  Gen Z refuses to drink wine

Worldwide wine consumption has dropped to its lowest point in 27 years...and Gen Z is to blame!
  Audacy author

  Slacker wants to jump start his weight loss journey

Slacker is trying to get more fit...and he's looking for advice.
  Audacy author