Something True

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Something True 2.8: Odyssée

Guillaume le Gentil didn’t find purpose in the church, seeking it instead in the stars. In 1761, he participated in a global astronomical mission to observe the Transit of Venus from various stations across the globe. But the course of science never di...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.7: Christian & Christopher

Richard Welsh thought he could squeeze in a quick drink with his mates after work, but one thing led to another, and he was conscripted into the English army to fight in a global war. His wife, not thrilled, dropped the kids off with a babysitter and s...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.6: L'Arme X

Nobody in France had seen anything like it. The boy, Tarrare, could eat whatever he wanted, in enormous quantities, and never felt full or put on weight. Tarrare was just hungry. He was hungry all the time. And as he wandered Paris, eating anything he ...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.5: The Trip to Telegraph Creek

Together they set out to chart wildest Canada: a management consultant, a dental student, a Hollywood cinematographer, an ex-sniper, a mysterious treasure hunter, and a cowboy. Nobody believed in their expedition, saying things like, “You don't have th...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.4: Okaasan

In the 16th century, the Oda and Tokugawa clans sought to unite feudal Japan under their rule. These were big and dangerous boys, but the biggest threat to their political alliance wasn’t any enemy clan, but a rude mother-in-law and a young woman who w...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.3: Citizen Tim

The stars themselves proclaimed Timothy Dexter to be a great man, so why wouldn't the Newburyport, Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce? Dexter, a wealthy merchant, wanted nothing more than the respect of Massachusetts high society. And he'd do anything t...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.2: Baatar

What if Genghis Khan died, just before he really got going? Thanks to a blacksmith's son called Jelme, we don't have to wonder. We might, however, wonder why Jelme's heroic rescue required so much blood and so little clothing—but thanks to a blacksmith...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True 2.1: Cœurs Brûlant

Something True is back, with the story of a celebrated opera singer who set fire to a convent and whipped the buttocks of Parisian lotharios. Luciano Pavarotti? No, Julie d'Aubigny, who in 17th century Paris delighted the upper classes from the stage a...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True Season 2 Preview

The opera singer who burned down a convent. A naked man who saved the life of Genghis Khan. An astronomer who ate bad beef. These are true stories, but they aren't about people who changed the world. You won't read about them on the Wikipedia page fo...
  Idle Thumbs author

  Something True Holiday Special: The Resurrection of the Flesh

Whatever you eat this holiday season, it won’t be anything like this. Something True returns for the holidays with the story of a monstrous pie, cooked by an English village in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria’s coronation. It ...
  Idle Thumbs author