Hiding in the Bathroom is now Patriarchy the Podcast. We're going to dive deep into the roots of patriarchy: a system that dictates power lies in the male. This is not about loving men or not (I love men. I birthed two of them). But this system is rotten to the core and it tarnishes every moment of our lives at work, home, love, and life. How do we change a system we despise while loving the people who inhabit the system? Join me to unpack it all.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2018-08-20 | She is the only woman host of a network Sunday morning news show, and even though she's a veteran journalist who has reported from Tehran, Baghdad, Kabul, and Beijing, covered the Iran nuclear deal, the chemical weapons deal in Syria, the reopening of ... |
2018-06-12 | What's the best path forward for digital campaigns? Online fundraising, organizing, and campaigning are fundamental to how we run for office now, but we're rightly nervous. Social media is a hugely powerful tool for candidates and organizing for change... |
2018-05-29 | Poet and scholar Gloria Anzaldua said "a woman who writes has power, and a woman who has power is feared." My guest Kelly Wickham Hurst says "Once writing started to happen for me, there was power there." So we explore the unfurling of Kelly's power an... |
2018-05-22 | From the time she was five, Kelsey Wirth traveled with her dad Tim Wirth as he was up for reelection in Congress- every two years in a swing district. Kelsey says she grew up in the spirit of both unpredictability and standing up for what you believe i... |
2018-05-13 | If there's one question I get over and over, it's "How can I pursue a dream career as a content creator/artist/inspirational speaker/influencer and still pay the mortgage?" Is this you? On paper everything is perfect, and yet: you're a talented, well-p... |
2018-05-01 |
The Mothers Are Coming: Shannon Watts on Building a Grassroots Movement to Fight Gun Violence "There is nothing a gun extremist has as much love for as we do for our children." That's the true theory of change behind Moms Demand Action, a 50 state strong movement of over 4 million Americans who demand legislators fix our epidemic of gun violenc... |
2018-04-10 | Gender, age, perception all color how introverts experience the world and how the world experiences us. So I was excited to sit down with Jennifer Kahnweiler, "champion of introverts," and ask her expert advice on some of the most frequent questions I'... |
2018-03-05 | Cindy Gallop is a former advertising executive who now runs Make Love Not Porn, a startup rewriting the rules of sex online. Cindy is 57 and she "shouts it from the rooftops." Whether you're a precocious 25 year old in a room full of older executives,... |
2018-02-06 |
Black Women Winning Office: Higher Heights is Drafting the Playbook “We have to create the leaders we want, and there is no more promising investment than Black women,” says my guest Kimberly Peeler-Allen. Peeler-Allen is co-founder of Higher Heights, which is building a national infrastructure to harness Black women’s... |
2018-01-23 | Living life through the male gaze has become so normal, we may not even notice. That's why it's important to step back and examine the terms and constructs we use to describe and dissemble a world where men dominate. Dr. Emerald Archer joins me to put... |