SETI Institute Colloquium Series Videos

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  03/04/2009 - Google Earth, now with Mars!

Ross A. Beyer, SETI Institute and NASA AmesGoogle, Inc., has released Google Earth 5.0 which contains a Mars 3D mode. Working with engineers at Google, we helped collect, parse, and organize the vast store of Mars geospatial data available to the publ... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  02/25/2009 - Interstellar and Early Solar System Organics in Samples from Comet Wild 2

Scott Sandford, NASA Ames Space Science DivisionThe Stardust mission successfully returned samples from Comet Wild 2 in 2006. Studies of these samples have confirmed the presence of organics, some of which appear to be similar to those found in meteor... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  02/18/2009 - Multiple Asteroid Systems: New Techniques to Study New Worlds

Franck Marchis, UC Berkeley and the SETI InstituteSince the discovery of Ida’s companion Dactyl in 1993, the number of known multiple asteroids has been continuously increasing and ~165 of them are now known. Since 2003, Dr. Marchis and his colleagues ... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  10/29/2008 - Giant Planet Formation

Dr. Jack Lissauer, Space Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research CenterThe observed properties of giant planets, models of their evolution, and observations of protoplanetary disks all provide constraints on the formation of gas giant planets. The four ... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  01/28/2009 - Surface modifications by winds on Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan

Ron Greeley, Regent's Professor, Arizona State UniversityWindblown dunes, ripples, and erosional features are seen on Earth, Venus, and Titan, while on Mars these features are ubiquitous and reflect the dominant agent of surface modification. Although ... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  11/05/2008 - The Allen Telescope Array: A Radio Survey Telescope for the 21st Century

Don Backer and Jill TarterJill Tarter will talk about the large survey SETI observing programs to be undertaken by our in-house team over the next decade, the SETI observing projects from external proposers that have been allocated array time during th... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  10/22/2008 - MIPSGAL: MIPS/Spitzer Survey of the Galactic Plane

Dr. Sachindev ShenoyMIPSGAL is a survey of the Galactic plane at 24 and 70 microns using Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) Space Telescope. This is one of the most sensitive survey in the mid-infrared of our Galactic plane. In this talk, ... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  09/24/2008 - Black Holes: End of Time or a New Beginning?

Prof. Roger Blandford, Stanford Linear Accelerator and Physics, Stanford UniversityBlack holes are popularly associated with death and destruction (excluding romances dealing with the redemptive properties of wormholes). However, their conventional ast... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  02/05/2008 - The Hunt for Hidden Dimensions

JoAnne Hewett,Professor at SLAC, Stanford UniversityExtra dimensions of space may be present in our universe. Their discovery would dramatically change our view of the cosmos and would prompt many questions. How do they hide? What is their shape? How m... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author

  01/21/2009 - Roundup at the Kepler Corral: the Race to Detect the First Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sunlike Star

Dr. Jeffrey Van Cleve, Ball Aerospace& Technologies CorpThe Kepler Mission is designed to detect transits of Earth-size planets orbiting in the "habitable zone" (HZ) around main-sequence stars of apparent visual magnit... (SETI Institute MarCom Services) author