Real Atheology

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  RA056: Marilyn McCord Adams and the Defeat of Evil

Before her death in 2017, Marilyn McCord Adams had a long and impressive career as a philosopher and theologian. While she had many interests both philosophical and theological, the problem of evil loomed ever-present in her thinking. I intend this vid...

  RA055: Pete Mandik on Materialism, Quine, and Religious Mysticism

In this episode, Ben Watkins sits down with Professor Pete Mandik to discuss several different ways of conceiving of materialism along with strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Professor Mandik also gives a summary of a view inspire by Quine he c...

  RA054: Why Evidence Isn't Everything | Intrinsic Probability

The intrinsic probability of a theory is the probability that a theory has purely in virtue of its intrinsic features. In this video, I give a brief overview of Paul Draper's theory of intrinsic probability according to which the intrinsic probability ...

  RA053: A Dialogue on Theodicy with Kyle Alander (Christian Idealism)

This episode is part interview and part dialogue between Justin Schieber and Christian YouTuber Kyle Alander about Kyle's preferred approach to the problem of evil. Alander adopts a defeat-based approach along the lines of Marilyn McCord Adams, Trent D...

  RA052: Objective Idealism and Presuppositionalist Apologetics

In this episode, Ben Watkins sits down to discuss the Van Tillian tradition of presuppositional apologetics often found online along with objective idealism— an epistemological view often associated with Post-Kantians like Hegel, Fichte, and Schelling....

  RA051: Hume the Atheist? A Humean Case against Theism with Paul Russell

In this episode, Ben Watkins sits down with Professor Paul Russell to discuss David Hume, philosophy of religion, and Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. Professor Russell is a leading Hume scholar and author of “The Riddle of Hume’s Treatise” whi...

  RA050: THIS is Why God Hides? (Part 8 of the Divine Hiddenness Series)

The Hiddenness Series returns. Richard Swinburne's responsibility argument aims to show it's good for God to stay hidden. That way we can investigate God's existence together. Assisting others in this endeavor, says Swinburne, is a very good deed—one w...

  RA049: The End of Divine Hiddenness? (Part 6 of the Divine Hiddenness Series)

This video is a response to a recent video by Christopher Cloos at Christian Philosophy Academy. Chris' Video: In his video, Cloos presents an objection to Schellenberg's divine hiddenness argume...

  RA048: A Conversation on Divine Hiddenness with Gavin Ortlund (Part 6 of the Divine Hiddenness Series)

In this video, Justin Schieber joins Dr. Gavin Ortlund for a friendly conversation on Schellenberg's argument from Divine Hiddenness.

  RA047: Gavin Ortlund is Wrong about Divine Hiddenness (Part 5 of the Divine Hiddenness Series)

A few weeks ago, Gavin Ortlund of Truth Unites released a video exploring the argument from divine hiddenness and giving several objections to it. While I appreciated Gavin's wrestling with the argument, I did not think his objections are successful. T...