PARAcast Firearm Q&A

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Paracast 438 "Super Safe"

Robert talks about the removal of the president, and buying super safe MP5's   Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide Rods Youtube Channel: Telegram: Pat...

  PARAcast 437 " It Looks Illegal To Me"

Jared and Tom get together and curse the 10cent heads around the whole appendix draw situation in USPSA while also discussing the 507 comp, and Jared's new duty dream gun.---- Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide Rods Youtube Channe...

  Paracast 436 "Thanksgiving Shortacular"

Robert is flying solo putting out a lonely episode talking about Thanksgiving, and all the black friday fun. Also something about breaking the 180.   Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide Rods Youtube Channel:

  PARAcast 435 "Buy A Defender"

Kevin Izatt joins Tom and Robert as they discuss, the pros of the Vortex Defender, Walther Steel frame, but not before we talk about a host of non-shooting topics. Then the answer your questions and discuss practical shooting and how it applies to self...

  PARAcast 434 "Real Answers Fake Question"

Tom and Robert discuss the virtues of the election, Robert being pulled over, converting people to working for UPS and the USP decides to drop mags. Then we talk about screwing guns.----     Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide Rods...

  Paracast 433 "The Wreck of the Edmund FitzTommy"

Tom is shopping for shovels and Robert just got back in town. Someone is doing a show. Cause that's what we do.   Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide Rods Youtube Channel: Telegra...

  Episode 432 "Active Soaking"

Although we didn't mention soaking, help was offered. We talk about the benefits of cop matches for police. We answer your question about level 2 matches and what we want for Christmas! ----     Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74 Guide ...

  PARAcast 431 Dual Klobbing

PARAcast 431 "Dual Klobbing". Jared and Tom catch up for a quick show and discuss Jared's Cop 3 gun match and Not A Cop match. we also discuss his trip to Silencerco and the wonders of the VZ61. ----   Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Dominate Defense W-74...

  PARAcast 430 " The Ones Who Care"

  Robert and Tom do a show in support of the listeners. Tom tanks a match but saves a newer shooter's gun. Robert breaks out the camera, gets another shooter a reshoot and prevents Tom from quitting life. ----     Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Do...

  PARAcast 429 "Financial Advice, Possibly"

Tom finally breaks down and buys an UpLULA magazine loader and takes someone shooting. Kevin test The PDP steel fame and gives his impression. Robert delegate the new shooters match and basks in his accomplishment.----   Show Sponsors: Rune Tactical Do...