New Zealand Nature Program Naturecast

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Episode 2. 12th June 2009. Weather: mild/crap

Here it is, GVN's first ever podcast, and what a way to kick it off with the New Zealand programs first ever naturecast! The rain has come and stolen away our environmental restoration dreams for the day, so here we are sharing our stories of cockle co...
  Global Volunteer Network author

  Episode 1. 28th April 2009. Weather: crap

Here it is, GVN's first ever podcast, and what a way to kick it off with the New Zealand programs first ever naturecast! The rain has come and stolen away our environmental restoration dreams for the day, so here we are sharing our stories of halved ap...
  Global Volunteer Network author

  Team Paul Party. 9th October 2009. Weater: crap

P-A-U-L Team Paul P-A-U-L Team Paul P-A-U-L He cares. This is the party slogan written by the Team Paul followers, a group set up to support volunteer Paul Brown in his fight to stand up against his older brother, volunteer Matt Brown. Join us for a s...
  Global Volunteer Network author

  Episode 3. August 25th 2009. Weather: pretty awesome

Here it is the long awaiting Podcast 3!! Thanks to some technical difficulties this one took a while to get out of the bag, but it's finally done!! Toby is sadly away in Peru so what have the gang been up to? Playing rounds of 'never have I ever', lear...
  Global Volunteer Network author

  Episode3.5 9th October 2009. Weather:crap

Join us for a mini update from the October 2009 crew on a suprise rainy day! Though this naturecast is less fancy than the others, it is jam packed with action, adventure, boils and more! Also listen to the Team Paul extra feature podcast to gain an in...
  Global Volunteer Network author