Ice Coffee: the history of human activity in Antarctica

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You don't just throw a Trans-Antarctic Expedition or an International Geophysical Year together.  These things take planning. Here's some background on the planners and introductions to some of the doers. 


Several years of Macquarie Island winters receive attention as I chill out under a Casuarina after several fraught months.


I give voice to another almost but not quite lost snippet from "Big Dead Place" and I give the microphone to Adam Fitzgerald who voices the introduction to Jeff Maynard's new book, "The Frontier Below."


In 1983 Australian glaciologist Trevor Hamley joined a Soviet traverse from the Russian coastal station, Mirny, to Dome Charlie, high atop the Antarctic plateau. Bouncing about in the back of a T-55 tank converted into a living quarters/galley/dining s...


Australian Antarctic Division alumnus, Jeff Wilson, recounts his experiences at Australian stations and in the Ross Sea. Road trip with our eldest. Good company at Anglesea. Good food. Good audio. One of the best days 2023 offered up.


The ANARE presence at Heard Island runs to 1955 and switches focus to continental Antarctica.  The Island taught Australians to work on glaciers and to run dog teams, saw John Bechervaise cut his Antarctic teeth and lead the first ascent of Big Ben, an...


ANARE occupation at Heard Island ran short but intense, and sometimes in tents.  In addition to large quantities of wind and sleet the island provided a training ground for Antarctic travelers and their dogs.  Challenging maritime approaches led to inn...


Argentina and Britain needle each other over what huts go where around the Antarctica Peninsula and notes of protest change hands at a fevered pace. Hot heads at low temperatures lead to a low ebb in high latitudes camaraderie ashore at Hope Bayhia Esp...


Yet another amazing interview through which to inform you and by which to relieve myself of the burden to write and record a chronological narrative episode this month.  "Ice Coffee": where me goofing off and being lazy still results in audio gold. 

  146 An interview with Professor Nash, another with Marsh, and an important update about the series

Professor Meredith Nash spent two years studying and reporting on the culture within the Australian Antarctic Division.  Their findings, released late in 2022, may prove a turning point in the history of Australia's presence in Antarctica.  Professor N...