Video presentations (with audio) of Dave Brodbeck's class 'Psychology 3256 - Design and Analysis' from Algoma University. A course on ANOVA
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2014-03-26 | Multiple regression |
2014-03-19 |
Psychology 3256 (Winter 2014) - Correlation and Simple Regression (Video) Correlation and simple regression, video |
2014-03-19 | Unbalanced ANOVA video |
2014-03-19 | Latin square ANVOA video |
2014-03-14 | Hierarchical ANOVA video |
2014-03-13 | Mixed ANOVA video |
2014-03-04 | Repeated Measures ANOVA |
2014-02-25 | Factorial ANOVA video |
2014-02-11 | post hoc tests video |
2014-02-11 | Post hoc tests video |