Lectures and events | Royal Society

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Between rhyme and reason

Join us for a conversation with award-winning poet Don Paterson to discuss where science and poetry meet, and the role of citizen science in modern research.

  Royal Society Africa Prize Seminar 2018

Royal Society Africa Prize Seminar 2018 with Dr Dorothy Yeboah-Manu

  How the quantum world makes the impossible possible

Join Dr Paul Skrzypczyk to explore the limits of the quantum world.

  The genius and legacy of Michael Faraday

Discover Faraday’s lasting legacy including his ground-breaking work on electricity and magnetism with pioneering chemist Sir John Meurig Thomas FRS.  

  How do plants grow?

Discover the fundamental mechanisms behind how plants grow.

  Does a healthy diet equal a healthy heart?

Join Professor Aedin Cassidy to discuss the latest developments in nutrition as a tool for improving public health.

  Rebel science

Do you think scientists are boring boffins who don’t leave the lab? Think again!

  What is the Universe made of?

We joined Dr Thomas Kitching for this free Café Scientifique event to explore the science that is set to probe the nature of dark energy and dark matter.  

  We need to talk about gene tech

Experts discuss the latest genetic technologies at the Hay Festival. 

  The fourth revolution: how the infosphere is reshaping human reality

Luciano Floridi spoke at the Hay Festival, exploring how, as the boundaries between online and offline break down, we are heading towards a fourth great revolution.