Defender Radio

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  The Ursa Project with Katie Graves

Hundreds of black bears are killed in British Columbia every year; often, the issue leading to government agents killing bears is attractants such as unsecure garbage that bears may want to explore or eat. While there is much to be said and debated abo...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Signs of Life with Sarah Cox

More than 5,000 wild species are at risk of extinction in Canada right now – it’s an overwhelming, staggering number, and it begs the question: what are we doing about it? Environmental journalist Sarah Cox explores this question with hope and curiosit...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Tales of the Urban Wild with Dr. Tiffany Yap and Meital Smith

What’s the world like for a Puma in California? What would they encounter, and what would they make of the humans acting strangely in the landscape? Scientist Dr. Tiffany Yap and artist Meital Smith put together what they think that may look like in th...
  Michael Howie author

  Bears in our Backyards with Paul Johnson

Black bears in British Columbia face an impossible reality: find new places to live, without being near people, while we continue to remove habitat and ecological connectivity from the landscape. It’s a struggle that journalist and documentarian Paul J...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Nakoda's Story with John E. Marriott

Nakoda was a grizzly bear who lived in Yoho National Park. She was a well-known bear, having been tracked by Parks Canada as Bear 178, and popular with photographers and tourists who caught a glimpse of her famous blonde-white fur. Tragically, on the e...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Beyond Animal Control with Jennifer Toussaint

Mustachioed dog-nappers chasing animated pooches around the city may be what’s in some of our heads when it comes to animal control, but the important front-line officers in our communities go well beyond that trope. In Arlington, Virginia, the communi...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  California's Room to Roam Act with Dr. Tiffany Yap

Room to roam for wildlife is essential to their health, particularly as they face increasing pressures related to development and the climate crisis. But many communities aren’t planned with wildlife in mind – or ecological connectivity between neighbo...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Perceptions of Urban Coyotes in Ontario with Nicole Murphy + Dr. Stephanie Rutherford

Traditional media has long portrayed coyotes in a negative light – and you don’t have to take my word for it. Nicole Murphy, a student at Peterborough’s Trent University took on the issue of how coyotes are perceived by undertaking a three-part project...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author

  Climate Grief with Dr. Shawna Weaver

Some days are hard. The world feels like it’s falling apart, forests are burning, ecosystems are breaking down, and hope can be a long, long way away. But you’re not alone in this feeling – and there are ways to manage and cope that not only support yo...

  How To Talk To A Science Denier with Dr. Lee McIntyre (repost)

Episode originally released September 2021. The idea of walking into a flat earth convention makes my tummy hurt. For Dr. Lee McIntyre, it was an exercise in curiosity explored in the introduction of his new book, How To Talk To A Science Denier. Dr. M...
  Michael Howie / The Fur-Bearers author