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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Sooty Tern

Sooty Terns have long been called "wide-awakes" because of their calls. But it may describe their sleeping habits, too. When young terns leave their breeding grounds, they don't return for several years. They do not rest on the water, and only rarely l...
  BirdNote author

  The Sound of a Thousand Geese Taking Off at Once

During migration, Snow Geese gather in the tens of thousands. They coordinate their movements, flying in a big, compact flock, which makes it harder for a predator to pick off a single bird. It is truly something to see.More info and transcript at Bird...
  BirdNote author

  Komodo Dragons and Cockatoos

Due to trapping for the pet trade, the talkative and showy Yellow-crested Cockatoo is now considered critically endangered. But scientists recently discovered a stronghold for the species: Komodo Island — yes, the one with the dragons. The Komodo popul...
  BirdNote author

  All Those Fish in a Puffin's Beak

Puffins fly under water into schools of slender fish, filling their large beaks. Fish are wedged into the gape, the stretchy skin at the beak hinge, but the bill edges still line up neatly. The dangling fish won’t slide out because the puffin’s tongue ...
  BirdNote author

  Swainson's Hawks Migrate South

In autumn, hundreds of thousands of Swainson's Hawks migrate to South America. With the help of a satellite tracking device, let's follow an individual male. Learn more about hawk migration at the Hawkwatch International website.More info and transcrip...
  BirdNote author

  At the Escarpment

Long, upward slopes called escarpments offer a good chance of seeing some of the many raptor species found in Belize. Shaped like a compact Red-tailed Hawk, White Hawks are white overall with black markings and scan the landscape for reptile prey. Bat ...
  BirdNote author

  Changing How You Hear the World

We often hear from listeners that BirdNote has changed the way they see and interact with the world around them. It's had that impact for those of us who help make the show, too. There’s so much life and song and joy out there, waiting for you to just ...
  BirdNote author

  Investing in Our Listeners' Learning Journeys

BirdNote shows are made to be accessible for people of all ages, because we want to reach as many folks as we can with the joy of birds. Listeners who donate make our work possible.More info and transcript at Want more BirdNote? Subscribe...
  BirdNote author

  Supporting the Nest

A female Wood Thrush will carefully choose each piece of nest-building materials because her eggs will depend on it for warmth and protection. But even the best-made nest couldn’t exist without the support of a sturdy shrub or tree. Much like a bird’s ...
  BirdNote author

  BirdNote Helps Kids Learn Their Birds

We hear from lots of people about how much they learn from listening to BirdNote. In this episode, Kim Bradmon and her son Ben share their stories.More info and transcript at Want more BirdNote? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Sign up...
  BirdNote author