Beyond the Kill.FM is the podcast brought to you by the creators of The Journal of Mountain Hunting, the world's only monthly, digital magazine dedicated exclusively to mountain and wilderness hunting. The act of hunting involves so much more than the taking of an animal's life. On this show we'll take you "beyond the kill" and into the people, politics, lifestyle, gear and fitness aspects of being a modern hunter.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2025-02-14 | On this episode, Nolan Osborne, aka NMO, is back to cover his evolving thoughts on guns and gear. These subjects were meant to be covered in his previous episode but time ran short so, he’s back to dig into these ever popular topics. NOTABLE GUEST... | |
2025-02-07 | On this episode, Zack Boughton of the recently reinvigorated Montana Wild sits down for some serious hot takes on the hunting and shooting industry and the inspiration behind re-launching Montana Wild. He shares his thoughts on working for so... | |
2025-01-31 | On this episode, another key figure in the history of the JMH/BTK, Connor Gabbott, is on the show to cover a wide range of topics. Adventure hunts, simple ways to make a great meal in the field, risk management, finding your limits, photography, videog... | |
2025-01-24 |
EP 558: These Roots Run Deep with Tanner Danish of Frontiersmen Gear On this episode, Tanner returns to the show to share Frontiersmen Gear’s event plans for 2025, the realities of growing and scaling an outdoor business while keeping values top of mind, and some lessons learned from his 2024 hunts. @frontiersmengear... |
2025-01-17 | On this episode, a key figure in the history of The Journal of Mountain Hunting and BTK podcast graces the mics again to share some incredible stories from the 2024 guiding season. NMO’s experience, stories, perspectives and insights are always a pleas... | |
2025-01-10 | On this episode, Kyle Stelter, the CEO of the Wild Sheep Society of BC is back to dive into all the reasons why you need to get yourself to one of the WSSBC’s shows this year. The Mountain Hunting Expo (MHE) in Penticton is a must-attend event for ... | |
2024-12-14 |
EP 555: The Wild Sheep Family & Sheep Show with Gray Thornton On this episode, the one and only Gray Thornton, President & CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation, shares all the amazing work the WSF and it’s family of supporters, chapters, affiliates and partners have put in over the course of 2024. The numbers ... |
2024-11-29 |
EP 554: Leica Optics and Buying for the Bad Days with Ryan Holm On this episode, repeat guest Ryan Holm is back on the show to discuss how Leica is taking their already impressive legacy in the optics realm to a whole new level. The conversation also touches on many aspects of the “buy once, cry once” mindset a... |
2024-11-22 | On this episode, Greg McHale shares his perspectives on a number of topics related to hunting, conservation, mentorship, business and the ways in which we can come together as an industry and community. @gregmchaleswildyukon Greg’s YouTube... | |
2024-11-15 |
EP 552: K9 Blood Tracking & Big Game Recovery with Matt Gagnon On this episode, Matt Gagnon shares the powerful capabilities of dogs trained for blood tracking and recovery of big game. Matt and his colleagues across the US are deeply passionate dog owners and practitioners of a skillset that, when needed and l... |