ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age Conversations covers changes in our climate due to a new Grand Solar Minimum beginning and the media overlooking, downplaying or burying cold weather changes occurring on our planet, to keep this Global Warming Agenda steaming ahead. I do this podcast because we need to begin conversations on how to adapt our food growing strategies long before 2030 as agricultural zones shift, affecting global crop output, but very few media outlets are talking about the most important issue of our time, Cold Weather Crop Losses.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2025-03-30 |
(Civilization Cycle #544) The Remarkable Effects of Red-Light Therapy (Jonathan Otto) I talked with Jonathan Otto about through known history we have had the knowledge of how to use sunlight as power & rejuvenation and how that been transformed with todays technology into Red Light Therapy. The question is, Why aren't we using it mo... |
2025-03-27 |
(Civilization Cycle #543) When We Step Off Solar Maximum Our Old World Disappears The way our current world is valued will need to have a new system in place as systems continue to split and when we step off Solar Maximum and the weakening magnetic field amplifies, wiping out more grain yields globally, our world will begin to disso... |
2025-03-10 |
(Civilization Cycle #542) Distraction from Cycles in Time and History We are at a roll over point in our present world that will be changed by natural cycles, but those in power do not want the populace to know. Here's why. ☕ Support Civilization Cycle Podcast Buy As a Double Espresso 🎙️ Civilization Cycle HOME ☀️ DAVID D... |
2025-02-26 |
(Civilization Cycle #541) March 2025 In Like a Lion (Bob Kudla) Talk about holding onto a clothes line during a hurricane, March-May 2025 is going to redefine the global economy and how you view money moving forward. ☕ Support Civilization Cycle Podcast Buy As a Double Espresso 🎙️ Civilization Cycle HOME ☀️ DAVID DU... |
2025-02-23 |
(Civilization Cycle #540) Population & Economy Must Match Decline in Global Food Production Population & Economy will match a decline in global food production so we should immediately begin experimenting with (Electrostatic Seed Charging, Electro-Culture and Frequency) Wild card is Magnetic field changes on our Sun affecting every human ... |
2025-02-20 |
(Civilization Cycle #539) Prepare for Shock Prices w/Collin Plume Looking at how gold is going to be the base of our new world’s monetary system as inflation runs away and how wealthy families buy assets to protect wealth through the centuries. 2025 and 2026 will hold surprises and price figures that were once though... |
2025-02-18 |
(Civilization Cycle Podcast #534) The Free Energy Conspiracy Reasons for the suppression of free energy devices is not what you think after reading accounts of explorer and the diary of Admiral Byrd finding forests in the center of Antarctica and lands or continents beyond the ice wall. If anyone were to discove... |
2025-02-16 |
The World Rebuilt After the Collapse Who's Ready (Civilization Cycle #537) The new empire is beginning, what resources is it focused on and how will this effect your and your families lives? The Reset is here. ☕ Support Civilization Cycle Podcast Buy As a Double Espresso 🥫 My Patriot Supply Emergency Food Supply 🌿 True Leaf ... |
2025-02-11 |
(Civilization Cycle #536) A.I. Reveals Your Prehistoric Lineage Using Archaic DNA Most results show ancestry back 2000-3000 years from where a family originated from, but now A.I opened a world of prediction based on Cro-Magnon, Denisovan and Neanderthal archaic DNA for even more personalized ancestry analysis. At the same time the ... |
2025-02-08 |
(Civilization Cycle #535) The Alien Invasion You Never Expected David DuByne joins Ryder Lee from Raised by Giants discuss Global food inflation and safety in cities overlap with the release of new zero-point energy devices and electro-gravitic propulsion systems using Earth’s magnetic field. Welcome to the true me... |