Omnibus! With Ken Jennings and John Roderick

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Lazy Susans (Entry 706.LK1237)

In which a Cantonese restaurant in San Franciscos's Chinatown spreads American revolving-table technology worldwide, and Ken wonders how long it takes to get sick of a musician in your spare bedroom. Certificate #43576.
  Omnibus author

  The Tooth Fairy (Entry 1317.SS0606)

In which ancient sorcery, changeling myths, and Edwardian fads combine to create America's only homegrown childhood rite of passage, and John's dentist turns teeth into boats. Certificate #19230.
  Omnibus author

  411 (Entry 495.LK2003)

In which telephone users once had access to a surprising array of helpful and informative services, and Ken got rid of his landline to spite Al-Qaeda. Certificate #26038.
  Omnibus author

  Whistling (Entry 1427.DE2323)

In which an ancient linguistic and religious practice becomes a jaunty, ambulatory musical form before falling into decline, and John does not want to see condors in a hospital. Certificate #45133.
  Omnibus author

  The Population Bomb (Entry 966.GE2803)

In which centuries of sterilization-happy doomsayers fail to predict a game-changing revolution in wheat, and Ken thinks Pakistan wants John to clean out his fridge. Certificate #2037.
  Omnibus author

  The King Under the Mountain (Entry 688.RO1311)

In which dozens of national sleeping guys with long beards wait in caves for their countries to need them again, and John thinks Tom Cruise should not be in a courtyard. Certificate #53610.
  Omnibus author

  New Urbanism (Entry 835.SS0711)

In which conservative Sun Belt retirees and progressive urbanists agree on a nostalgic but radical revolution in city design, and Ken does a Normal Rockwell impression. Certificate #34959.
  Omnibus author

  Soviet Spartacus (Entry 1194.EX2116)

In which a Thracian slave from two thousand years earlier becomes a proletarian role model and Communist sports hero, and John prefers action stars with boogers. Certificate #37084.
  Omnibus author

  Electrical Sockets (Entry 400.JS0215)

In which the long war between alternating and direct current produces power outlets that multiply nto a dizzying world of configurations, and Ken needs a grounding prong. Certificate #29673.
  Omnibus author

  Tartans (Entry 1279.DE2230)

In which Scottish clans each choose a distinctive plaid based on a romantic Highland history that didn't really happen, and John takes a hard hit while playing Frisbee in a skirt. Certificate #26624.
  Omnibus author