UNHIDING - Leadership, Management, and Kanban

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Kanban Experts in Conversation: Andy Carmichael & Alexei Zheglov

SquirrelNorth partner Alexei Zheglov sits down with Kanban expert and author Andy Carmichael for a nuanced conversation about topics that have been in their minds lately, and that push the boundaries of the Kanban body of knowledge:Modeling services as...
  Alexei Zheglov, Andy Carmichael author

  Acts of Leadership and the Kanban Method with Richard Kishimoto

Hear the story and learn how a senior manager from autoTRADER.ca used the Kanban Method to improve business performance and exemplified robust leadership in doing so. If you're interested in how the Kanban Method can be used to help your teams and what...
  James Steele, Richard Kishimoto author