History of the Germans

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  John Wycliffe - a Guest Episode from the History of England

Today the History of the Germans is honoured to host David Crowther, doyen of the guild of podcasters and host of the most excellent History of England Podcast. Wycliffe's writings were to prove controversial and proved an interesting early echo of the...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 174 - The trial of Jan Hus - Council of Constance Part 4

β€œThey will roast a goose now, but after one hundred years they will hear a swan sing, and him they will have to endure.” These were allegedly the last words of a certain Jan Hus whose surname meant goose and who was burned at the stake on July 6, 1415....
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 173 - The End of the Schism - Council of Constance part 3

We have talked about church reform for almost four years, the council of Constance talked about church reform for about the same amount of time and Luther will talk and write about church reform until he did no longer believe that the church could be r...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Episode 172 – The council of Constance Part II – A World Event

In November 1414 30,000 academics and aristocrats, bishops, blacksmiths and bakers, cardinals, counts and chefs, doctors, dancers and diplomats, princes, prelates and public girls descended on a town in Southern Germany built to house 6 to 8,000 people...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 171 – The Council of Constance Part 1 – Cleaning House

The Council of Constance marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Catholic Church and the history of Europe in general.One issue on the agenda was the ongoing schism that the council of Pisa had failed to resolve. Another the reform of the increas...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 170 – Jan Hus, Reformer and Rebel?

β€œMaster Jan Hus, preacher of the Holy Scriptures from the chapel of Bethlehem, was also present at this council, who in his preaching continuously criticized and exposed the hypocrisy, pride, miserliness, fornication, simony, and other sins of the cler...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 169 – Sigismund, the (not yet) Emperor

The late 14th and early 15th century was a period of upheaval, the certainties of the Middle Ages, that the pope ruled the world and that knights were invincible were crumbling away, the long period of economic growth, of eastward expansion and convers...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  From Osman to Nicopolis: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire

The 168th episode of the History of the Germans delves into the transformative period of the Ottomans from Osman to the Battle of Nicopolis. It highlights how Osman, the son of an Anatolian warlord, laid the foundations for what would become one of the...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 167 - The Great Western Schism - Part 2

When the Great Western Schism was finally resolved at Pisa and Constance, Christendom rejoiced. Or so we have been told. But was it really such a devastating, catastrophic event that left the papacy mortally wounded, so impaired that it crumbled when ...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author

  Ep. 166 – The Great Western Schism – Part 1

If you are a longstanding listener to the History of the Germans, you will already know that sometime in the late 14th century the catholic church broke apart into 2 and then 3 different obediences, three popes residing in different places and being re...
  Dirk Hoffmann-Becking author