The Voice of Insurance

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Ep223 Rachel Turk CUO at Lloyd's: No legitimacy without profitability

I would have to spend some time checking the numbers, but today’s guest is the Chief Underwriting Officer who oversees arguably the largest amount of Gross written premium in the world. That’s because Rachel Turk is really a Chief, Chief Underwriting O...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep222 Jean-Jacques Henchoz: Market of First Resort

Today’s interviewee is making his fourth appearance on the podcast, which I think makes him my most interviewed guest. But as he is the CEO of Hannover Re, one of the world’s largest and most consistently outperforming reinsurers, I’d love to be able t...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep221 Tim Ronda CEO Howden Re: A rare moment where everyone can win

It's the ultimate job of a Broker to make insurance and reinsurance deals happen. You can’t make things happen if you’re too shy to talk to anyone, or not good at listening.  Once you have listened you then need to be empathetic and understand the nuan...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep220 Hugh Sturgess: Define your appetites and live by them

I’m really pleased today because after almost four years of trying I have finally managed to get someone from the Arch Capital group of companies onto the show. Arch’s appetite to make the most of market opportunity and react quickly to a lack of the s...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep219 Ryan Mather Ariel Re: The 16-year-old start-up

Today’s guest is someone who combines well-above-average intelligence with an approachability and a willingness to study and cover risks that many of his peers can’t or won’t consider. Ryan Mather is CEO of Ariel Re, a business that has positioned itse...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep218 Jeff Radke Accelerant: What underwriters want to be

Some podcast interviews are really fulfilling to be involved with. Sometimes it’s the rapport I have with the guest and sometimes it’s the subject matter and the insights that I find the most satisfying. Today’s podcast is a rare combination because it...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep217 Tanguy Touffut Descartes Underwriting: Physics over Statistics

Today’s guest runs a business that this year is set to quadruple in size since the first time he was on the show just over two years ago. What’s more it is looking to more than double again in the medium term. Tanguy Touffut CEO and co-founder of Desca...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep216 Warren Downey & Lee Anderson SRG: Writing the next chapter

I have the best job in the world. That is, it’s the best job for someone like me, who really likes talking to people and finding out what they are doing and thinking – but also as a bi-product finding out what they are really like. The reason I am sayi...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Ep215 Dan Burrows Group CEO Fidelis Insurance Group: Be responsive, be there

Today’s guest is a leader in one of the most innovative and interesting businesses in the market. He was last on the show as part of a duo but is now here in his own right. This should all make much more sense when I tell you that I am talking about Da...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author

  Special Ep: Navigating political risk in an era of heightened global tensions

Today’s podcast is all about the insurance of political risk and violence and we are going to come at this subject from all angles. This episode is intended to be an all-round masterclass for anyone with an interest in these fascinating and fast-growin...
  The Voice of Insurance Mark Geoghegan author