Let's Talk About Women

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Let's Talk About Cognition During Hormonal Fluctuations

How do hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle or when using oral contraceptives ("the pill") affect cognitive functions? In this episode, Franziska speaks with Prof. DDr. MMMag. Belinda Pletzer (Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg), a leading...

  Let's Talk About Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) approximately affects 2-5% of women around the world. In this episode we have Dr. Liza Kaltsouni, postdoc at Uppsala University, Department of Women's and Children's Health, as an expert in our podcast. During her...

  Let's Talk With Young Researchers: Hanna Wierenga

Let's Talk WITH Young Researchers: our podcast sideline in which we give the word to young researchers in the field of women's mental health!In this episode, meet Hanna Wierenga, PhD Candidate in the IRTG2804, who is working with Prof. Pia Schober (Tüb...

  Let's Talk About Menopause

Despite being one of the major hormonal transition phases in the female lifespan, menopause is still underrepresented in medicine and research. Fortunately, this is changing - among others due to our guest, Dr. Claudia Barth, senior researcher at Diako...

  Let's Talk About Adolescents & Social Media

After our summer break we're back to talk about women! In this episode we dive into the period of adolescence with Dr. Jolien Trekels, who is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of North Carolina. Jolien unpacks how the adolescent bra...

  Let's Talk With Young Researchers: Gloria Matte Bon

Let's Talk WITH Young Researchers: our new podcast sideline in which we give the word to young researchers in the field of women's mental health! We kick-off with our very own Gloria Matte Bon, PhD Candidate in the IRTG2804, who is working with Prof. T...

  Let's Talk About Computational Methods in Women’s Health

Computational methods and machine learning are currently THE hot-topics and they are also applied in neuroscience research, showing us where the field is heading in the future. If you have ever wondered how these methods work, what their advantages - b...

  Let's Talk About Brain SHAPERs

Celebrate with us the first anniversary episode of Let's Talk About Women!! - This time as PhD Candidate Franziska is hosting Dr. Nicole Petersen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA, California. Directi...

  Let's Talk About Hormonal Sensitivity

Welcome to this episode with Vibe Froekjaer, Professor in Neuropsychiatry at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen University, Denmark. Join us as Vibe and Franziska delve into the question of why some women are more vulnerable to mental heal...

  Let's Talk About Research on Hormonal Contraceptives

In this episode, PhD candidate Franziska Weinmar interviews Dr. Adriene Beltz, visiting Tübingen from the University of Michigan. The topic of today’s episode are hormonal intrauterine devices, short IUD. From contraceptives beyond the “pill” and hormo...