Ship It! SRE, Platform Engineering, DevOps

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Public safety Kubernetes

Marc Boorshtein from Tremolo Security joins Justin & Autumn to talk all about running Kubernetes in the public sector.

  Abstractions and implementations

Hazel Weakly joins Justin and Autumn to talk about when to build abstractions and how to implement them. They also share experiences from tech conferences, and delve into the importance of building community and psychological safety in tech environment...

  Hosting Hachyderm

Preston Doster joins the show to tell us what it takes to run a Mastodon server with 55,000 accounts and 11,000 monthly active users.

  News & whitepapers

No interview this week! Instead, Justin & Autumn sit down to talk about what they've been learning recently.

  Infosec & OpenTelemetry

Maybe Jira for your kids' chores is a good idea... Probably not.

  Your customer is

From switching ISPs to migrating Amazon off Oracle, Pete Naylor knows which database to use.

  Kubernetes is an anti-platform

Adam Jacob remains optimistic about the future for infrastructure and is building new ideas to make it better.

  TIME to get SERIESous about databases

Lili Cosic's experience at different companies & communities has given her insights into what's important & when to adapt to learn new (or old) things.

  You suck at programming

Dave Eddy has learned systems programming the traditional way with books and man pages. Now he's sharing what he's learned, starting with bash.

  A learning mindset, starting with COBOL

The ability to learn on the job has been a critical skill for David Beale throughout his career. Is the job market not allowing that anymore?