The War on Cars

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  What We Did on Our Summer Vacation, featuring Rick Steves

Why do Americans spend lots of money to visit walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly European cities, only to come back to the U.S. and oppose all those things where they live? Rick Steves has some thoughts. Countless people know and love the popular tra...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  TEASER: Voices of Velo-city

This is a preview of a Patreon-exclusive bonus episode. For complete access to this and all of our bonus content, become a Patreon supporter of The War on Cars.  In June, Doug attended Velo-city, an annual cycling summit hosted by the European Cyclists...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Listener Origin Stories (Patreon Bonus Re-Release)

Episode 133: Listener Origin Stories (Patreon bonus re-release) We’re taking a short break to work on our forthcoming book and some of our upcoming fall shows. We’ll be back with new free episodes in early September. In the meantime, please enjoy this ...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  TEASER: Walking 4,000 Miles with Holden Ringer

This is a preview of a Patreon-exclusive bonus episode. For complete access to this and all of our bonus content, become a Patreon supporter of The War on Cars. This month’s exclusive Patreon bonus episode is an interview with Holden Ringer, who recent...

  Vehicular Cycling and John Forester, Part 2

NOTE: This is part two of a two-part episode. To hear both parts right now and without ads, become a Patreon supporter of The War on Cars. In part two of our deep dive on John Forester and his 1976 book Effective Cycling, we take a look at the paltry d...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Vehicular Cycling and John Forester, Part 1

NOTE: This is part one of a two-part episode. To hear both parts right now and without ads, become a Patreon supporter of The War on Cars. "Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles." That quote is the core philosophy of J...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Critical Mass Nairobi with Cyprine Odada

Cyprine Odada is the Executive Director of Critical Mass Nairobi and an urban planner specializing in active mobility. Ever since founding the Kenyan capital’s chapter of Critical Mass, the largest gathering of non-competitive cyclists in Africa, Cypri...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Killed by a Traffic Engineer

Because it has the word “engineering” right in there, the field of traffic engineering is something most people assume is governed by science and rational rules. But a new book, written by a traffic engineer himself, argues that is not the case at all....
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Women's Freedom to Ride

Why don’t more women ride bicycles in London? The advocacy group London Cycling Campaign wanted to know, and so they asked. What they discovered was disturbing: Among more than a thousand women surveyed, nine out of ten said they experienced verbal abu...
  The War on Cars, LLC author

  Kathy Hochul's Congestion Pricing Flip-Flop Fiasco

In this emergency episode, we discuss New York State Governor Kathy Hochul's 11th-hour decision to "indefinitely suspend" congestion pricing, the program that would have charged drivers to enter Manhattan below 60th Street. Her move, announced in a pre...
  The War on Cars, LLC author