The Scott Santens UBI Enterprise

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Did Sam Altman's Basic Income Pilot Prove or Disprove UBI?

As a leading expert on the topic of unconditional/universal basic income (UBI), a subject area I've been focused on now since 2013, I'm constantly trying to correct misunderstandings and debunk misinformation/disinformation spread about the concept and...

  Land Value Tax and UBI

This discussion took place in a Twitter (X) Space on April 3, 2024. I was joined by land value tax expert Stephen Hoskins, along with my co-hosts Conrad Shaw and Josh Worth, to discuss land value taxes and why they make so much sense to paired with uni...

  The Billionaire-Fueled Lobbying Group Behind the State Bills to Ban Basic Income Experiments

Much discussion has been had around basic income as a policy response to automation and as a result, over 150 pilot experiments have been launched in cities across the US to study it. Now in response to the successful results beginning to come out from...

  Chat about UBI and Comingle with co-founders Conrad Shaw and Josh Worth

This discussion took place in a Twitter (X) Space on September 6, 2023. I was joined by the co-founders of Comingle - Conrad Shaw and Josh Worth - to discuss the project and universal basic income in general. Comingle is an app being developed to creat...

  Keynote Speech for Basic Income North 2023 Conference

This is the audio of a speech I gave in July 2023 as the closing keynote for England's Basic Income North 2023 Conference. Video available too: ⁠⁠ For more info about UBI, please refer to my UBI FAQ: ⁠⁠

  A.I. Will Not Displace Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once. It Will Rapidly Transform the Labor Market, Exacerbating Inequality, Insecurity, and Poverty.

This episode is a reading of my article, "A.I. Will Not Displace Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once. It Will Rapidly Transform the Labor Market, Exacerbating Inequality, Insecurity, and Poverty." Link to read and share the article: ⁠https://www.scottsan...

  ChatGPT Has Already Decreased My Income Security, and Likely Yours Too

This episode is a reading of my article, "ChatGPT Has Already Decreased My Income Security, and Likely Yours Too", and it is read by an AI I trained on my own voice using Play.HT. It just seemed particularly fitting to do it this way. Link to read and ...

  The BIG Picture of Money, Economics, and Humanity

On June 24 I took part in a panel about the macroeconomics of basic income at the 2022 BIG Conference in Portland, Oregon. Here is an audio recording of the talk I gave that day where I attempted to zoom out and look at the big picture of money, econom...

  Scott Santens on WPKN Radio to Talk About Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

On July 26 I took part in a conversation on Twitter Spaces where we talked about UBI for over two hours. A segment of about 21 minutes in length was then edited from the discussion and aired on WPKN radio. Here is that episode as heard on the radio. Fo...

  Vision and Foundations for a Better Society

From 2019 to 2021, I took part in a convening on automation, opportunity, and belonging to visualize the future and how to get to a better future among the infinitely possible versions of it. Together we crafted over many iterations a vision document o...