Stuff You Missed in History Class

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Pellagra, Part 1

The pellagra epidemic of the early 20th century may have been the deadliest epidemic of a specific nutrient deficiency in U.S. history. Part one covers what it is, its appearance in 19th-century Italy, and the first reports of it in the U.S.  Research:...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  SYMHC Classics: Coxey's Army

This 2020 episode covers the first protest march on Washington, D.C., led by Jacob Sechler Coxey in the 1890s. His plan was job creation for the nation's unemployed population with projects that would build the country's infrastructure.See omnystudio.c...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  Behind the Scenes Minis: Spiteful Robert

Holly talks about how impossible it is to build a spite house now, thanks to municipal building codes. She also shares some uncertain stories of the childhood of Robert Morris.  See for privacy information.
  iHeartPodcasts author

  Robert Morris, War Finance, and Early Bankruptcy Law in the U.S.

Robert Morris is one of the lesser-mentioned founding fathers of the U.S. When he is mentioned, he is called the financier of the Revolutionary War. But his story is more complicated than that. Research: “18th Century Currency.” Valley Forge National ...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  Spite Houses

A spite house is a structure that is built by one party to irritate another, or to cause some sort of difficulty or even damage. And there have been a lot of them built over the years, though there aren’t a huge number remaining.  Research: Bailey, St...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  SYMHC Classics: Six Impossible Episodes - Other Ins

This 2020 episode covers direct action demonstrations and protests that have some similarities to the sit-in movement.   See for privacy information.
  iHeartPodcasts author

  Behind the Scenes Minis: Hydroponies and Horse Flipping

Holly talks about her gardening efforts and an amusing machine reading error. Tracy talks about her expectations of researching the epizootic of 1872, and My Little Pony toys turning 40. See for privacy information.
  iHeartPodcasts author

  Great Epizootic of 1872

The epizootic of 1872 was a massive outbreak of a flulike illness primarily among horses in North America, Central America, and some islands in the Caribbean. Research: "WHEN A FLU REINED IN NEW YORK." States News Service, 28 Apr. 2020. Gale General O...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  The Rise of Modern Hydroponics

The practice of growing plants in water rather than soil isn't new, though early examples are difficult to substantiate. In the 1930s, hydroponic plant culture made headlines, but the field also had conflict among researchers. Research: Bacon, Francis...
  iHeartPodcasts author

  SYMHC Classics: William Montague Cobb

This 2021 episode covers William Montague Cobb, who was the first Black person in the U.S. to earn a PhD in physical anthropology. He was also an activist and an anatomy professor at Howard University. See for privacy informatio...
  iHeartPodcasts author