Tony & Chelsea discuss the future of cameras in the year 2025, which cameras and lenses will come out, and what new technology might surprise us.
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Tony & Chelsea Northrup choose recap 2024 in the camera and photo industry by reviewing the best and worst cameras and photo gear of 2024. They choose the smartphone of the year, the WTF of the year, and the best camera of the year.
When is photo editing cheating? People have been editing photos for as long as they have been taking them. At what poinnt is photo wditing crossing the line and is no longer considered photogrpahy or fair? Should you disclose what's edited in your phot...
Every camera brand has fanboys but some are more energized than others! Tony and Chelsea review angry comments and talk about fanboys and what makes them so angry!
Tony and Chelsea discuss their time as YouTubers, what they learned, and what they wish they knew earlier; sponsorships, dealing with trolls, and making meaningful content.
Are bigger sensors better? Do you need a new camera? On this episode of the Picture This! Photography podcast, Tony and Chelsea debunk the confusing photo myths that frutrate photographers!
Canon launched the long-awaited R1 camera and disappointed some fans that had big dreams for their flagship camera. Tony and Chelsea talk about why the R1 disappointed some and what the future holds for Canon. Also, Canon loses market share to Sony and...
Is Apple ever going to make a designated camera? If so, what would it look like, which features would is have, and how much woud it cost? Tony & Chelsea Northrup discuss the possibiity of the camera and specualte what it would be and how it could i...
Tony and Chelsea Northrup talk about the 10 cameras that changed the trajectory of photography forever; from the first ever digital camera to the newest smartphones that have innovated features that will change how we take pictures.