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Date Title & Description Contributors

  A Conversation About the Broadcast Flag

Tim Jones meets with Danny O'Brien to discuss Vista, DRM and the Broadcast Flag.Links for further research:Cory Doctorow's Three Minute Guide to the Broadcast FlagEFF's Recent Blog Entries on the Broadcast FlagEFF's Broadcast Flag Issue PageThe Corrupt...

  The Return of Line Noise: National Security Letters, Three Strikes Laws, and Warrantless Wiretapping

Tim Jones talks with Richard Esguerra about national security letters, with Danny O'Brien about"three-strikes" laws, and with Kevin Bankston about new developments in EFF's warrantless wiretapping litigation.Links for further research:On National Secur...

  The Lost Art of Orphan Works

EFF designer Hugh D'Andrade speaks with Staff Attorney Corynne McSherry about the Orphan Works Act of 2008.Links for further research:US Copyright Office on Orphan WorksUpdate on 2008 Orphan Works legislationS. 2913, the Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act ...

  CES: Fair Use on Parade

Derek Slater reports from the Consumer Electronics Show, with an eye to the consumer electronic industry's response to the changing copyright scene.Date: Friday, January 12, 2007Share this:Join EFF

  Out in the Sunshine

David Sobel talks about his work using the Freedom of Information Act to track the U.S. government's use of technology.Date: Friday, March 16, 2007Share this:Join EFF

  Error: Vote Not Counted at Line 50

On the eve of the November elections, we speak to Congressman Rush Holt about the prospects for secure, auditable e-voting in the United States.Date: Monday, November 6, 2006Share this:Join EFF

  The Youngstown Continuum - The Dangerous Specter Surveillance Bill

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien discusses the dangers of a new bill proposed by Senator Specter.Date: Monday, June 12, 2006Share this:Join EFF

  Judgement Day for AT&T

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien discusses the current status of EFF's class action suit against AT&T, in the first of a two part interview.Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006Share this:Join EFF

  Flag Daze - What's Happening with the Broadcast Flag in Washington

Danny O'Brien talks to Washington tech correspondent Drew Clark about the MPAA and RIAA's broadcast and audio flag.Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2006Share this:Join EFF

  Que S1RA, SIRA - The Trouble with the Section 115 Reform Act

Fred von Lohmann of EFF explains the landmine language hidden in this fast-tracked copyright bill.Date: Friday, June 9, 2006Share this:Join EFF