Extensive coverage of homeland, other international and national news, current affairs and interviews.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2025-03-31 | The seconfd of April is World Autism Awareness Day. We spoke to Yuho Okita, an occupational therapist in Melbourne who teaches at universities in Australia and Japan, and Mari Horiguchi, a psychologist, about common misconceptions aound Autism. - 4月2日は... | |
2025-03-31 |
SBS Japanese Newsflash Monday 31 March - SBS日本語放送ニュースフラッシュ 3月31日 月曜日 The Governor-General has handed the writs over to the Australian Electoral Commission, commanding the Electoral Commissioner to conduct an election. A survey by Newspoll indicates the government's popularity has risen following the federal budget. - オー... |
2025-03-30 | In Australia, robbery isn't just theft; it has specific legal definitions and consequences. This episode of Australia Explained podcast explores the types of crimes, including stealing. What does it mean legally? How can you protect yourself? And what ... | |
2025-03-29 | Charlie Needs Braces is a sister duo that explores their Aboriginal roots while learning about Indigenous culture and language, incorporating these elements into their music. - 「チャーリー・ニーズ・ブレイシズ」は、自身のアボリジナルのルーツを探りながら、先住民文化や言語を学び、それを音楽に取り入れる姉妹デュオです。 | |
2025-03-29 |
SBS Japanese Weekly News Wrap Saturday 29 March - SBS日本語放送週間ニュースラップ 3月29日土曜日 Australians will head to the polls for a Federal Election on May 3. Australia will provide an additional $11 million in humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. Donald Trump signs off 25 per cent tariffs on car imports. Listen to our weekly news wrap. R... |
2025-03-28 |
Exploring the ancient city of Ayutthaya, a world heritage site - 都丸家タイ旅行「世界遺産の街、古都アユタヤ編」 (FS 99) Ayutthaya, Thailand’s ancient capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site, was once known as the "city of water" and is also famous for its freshwater prawns and fish. Enjoy this week's episode with Melbourne-based cooking instructor Mayu Tomaru. - 世界遺産とし... |
2025-03-28 | Opposition leader Peter Dutton has responded to Labor's pre-election budget, saying Australia is at a "sliding doors moment". It's a reference to a 1998 film that ponders near-misses and how a different decision could change the course of the future. M... | |
2025-03-28 |
SBS Japanese Weekly News Wrap Friday 28 March - SBS日本語放送週間ニュースラップ 3月28日金曜日 Australians will head to the polls for a Federal Election on May 3. Australia will provide an additional $11 million in humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. Donald Trump signs off 25 per cent tariffs on car imports. Listen to our weekly news wrap. -... |
2025-03-27 |
Enjoy birthday cards from strangers, exhibition in Sydney - 見知らぬ人からの誕生日カードを受け取ろう、シドニーで展示 Have you sent anyone a handwritten card recently? Hikoko Ito, a Japan-born artist living in Hong Kong, considers the exhibition of her artwork 'Happy Birthday 2U2' at the Art Gallery of New South Wales is like a journey back home. - 最近誰かに手書きのカードを送りましたか... |
2025-03-27 | Learn how to describe the taste of food. - 料理を振る舞われた際、感想をどう伝えるか迷って、毎回「Delicious」や「Yummy」と言ってしまっていませんか?そんな時に使えるボキャブラリーやフレーズを学んで、感想をもっと豊に表現してみましょう。 |