Extensive coverage of homeland, other international and national news, current affairs and interviews.
Date | Title & Description | Contributors |
2025-02-22 |
Wouter Kellerman, Eru Matsumoto & Chandrika Tandon(MF 550) - ワウター・ケラーマン/松本エル/チャンドリカ・タンドン(MF 550) Wouter Kellerman, Eru Matsumoto and Chandrika Tandon won Best New Age, Ambient, or Chant Album for 'Triveni' at the 2025 Grammy Awards. The album, a melting pot of various cultures and music. - メルボルンのサウンドエンジニア、安齋直宗さんの金曜日のコーナー『Music File』。今週は、今年のグラミー賞で「... |
2025-02-22 | Peter Dutton claims the government is trying to flood key electorates with new voters ahead of the federal election. The former boss of the Spanish football federation is found guilty of sexual assault for his World Cup final kiss. - 野党のピーター・ダットン代表は、連邦... | |
2025-02-21 |
Tomaru family's ultimate camping gear - 都丸家の神キャンプギア!オーストラリアでワイルドキャンプ特集 第3弾 (FS 94) In this week's segment, Melbourne-bsaed cooking instructor, Mayu Tomaru, shares her favourite camping gear. - メルボルンの料理講師・都丸真由さんの毎週金曜日のコーナー『オーストラリアで食べる』。 一時期は毎週末キャンプに出掛けていたという都丸家お勧めのキャンプギアをご紹介いただきました。 |
2025-02-21 | After centuries of forced assimilation, Japan’s indigenous Ainu population, language and culture are emerging once more thanks to anime, the country’s thriving sub-cultures and YouTube. This interview was first published in 2019. - 2月21日は、International... | |
2025-02-21 |
SBS Japanese Weekly News Wrap Friday 21 February - SBS日本語放送週間ニュースラップ 2月21日金曜日 Peter Dutton claims the government is trying to flood key electorates with new voters ahead of the federal election. The former boss of the Spanish football federation is found guilty of sexual assault for his World Cup final kiss. - 野党のピーター・ダットン代表は、連邦... |
2025-02-20 |
Finding affordable and inclusive after-school activities - 手軽な放課後アクティビティの見つけ方 After-school activities offer children and teenagers many benefits, but the costs can quickly add up. Fortunately, Australia has many affordable and inclusive options, you just need to know where to look. - 放課後のアクティビティは子どもやティーンに多くのメリットをもたらしますが、費用がかさみがち... |
2025-02-20 |
SBS Japanese News for Thursday 20 February - SBS日本語放送ニュース2月20日木曜日 Listen to the News from today's live program (1-2pm). - 午後1時から放送されたラジオ番組のニュース部分をお届けします。2025年2月20日放送。 |
2025-02-19 |
To the Larrakia people the year is divided into seven seasons - 1年の季節を7つに分けるララキア族(オーストラリアワイド) Our Tuesday segment, Australia Wide covers local events and useful community information from six cities across Australia. This week, Kylie Cuff reports from Darwin. - 国内各地の話題や情報をお伝えするコーナー、「オーストラリアワイド」。今週はダーウィンから、海里カフさんのリポートです。 |
2025-02-19 |
Omikoshi performance at Moomba Festival parade - 3月のMoomba Festivalパレードでお神輿パフォーマンス From 6-10 March, Melbourne's Moomba Festival will be held, with a parade on 10 March featuring performances from many different countries. The Japanese community will perform omikoshi, yosakoi and taiko in the parade. - 3月6日から10日、メルボルンのお祭りMoomba Festiv... |
2025-02-19 |
SBS Japanese Newsflash Wednesday 19 February - SBS日本語放送ニュースフラッシュ 2月19日水曜日 Soldiers from the Australian Army have conducted a gun salute in Darwin to mark the 83rd anniversary today of the bombing of the city in 1942. 235 people died when the Northern Territory capital was attacked in two separate raids by Japanese forces, in... |