Robot or Not?

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Gibson Robot Guitar

Listener Jason (not that one) wants to know if the Gibson Robot Guitar is just trying to jump on the robot bandwagon as a form of fancy marketing. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author

  Sandwich Legal Update II

Two listeners have requested that we revisit recent court and podcast rulings regarding the definition of a sandwich. Also, Jason details his meager high-school lunch. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author

  Roomba-like Items

In the end, the Grain Weevils and robot lawn mowers come for us all. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author


Is a Game Boy a game console? What about a Switch? Can a handheld gaming device also be a console? What makes something a console? John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author

  Calendar Year

Listener Alexander has seen through the calendar’s deceptions and wants to know why any old day couldn’t be the start of a new year. When does the year begin in our hearts? (Happy New Year, everyone!) John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author


Listener Ben and his sister-in-law have come up with a sophisticated system of rules for when and when not to leave a gratuity. But someone else may have his own rules. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author

  Sandwich Legal Update

Many listeners are concerned about recent legal rulings that suggest tacos and burritos are sandwiches. But we all know who the real voice of authority is. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author


Listener Patrick is concerned about taxonomy, most particularly involving fans that are also lights. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author

  Fast Food

There are so many different ways to define fast food. Is pizza fast food? Also, Jason has a story about the Shake Shake in the Minneapolis airport. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author


I can see clearly now. John Siracusa and Jason Snell.
  The Incomparable author