You Need A Budget (YNAB)

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  More Isn't More

Many people bemoan the fact that they don't earn more money. But what baffles many who eventually do earn more money, is that it doesn't fix any of their financial problems! There is no income that cannot be outspent. Put another way, broken spending h...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Earning With Purpose

The first habit of YNAB is to give every dollar a job. We tend to think of it purely as a spending exercise, as in, what do these dollars need to do for me? Buy clothes, groceries, pay the rent, etc. But Jesse points out how this process of giving your...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Tentacles and Rainbows

Money sinks its tentacles into nearly everything, and those tentacles can feel like, well, tentacles, or they can feel like rainbows. Jesse wants you to look at money and see rainbows, blessing all the facets of life that money touches.     Got a quest...
  Jesse Mecham author

  You Need Frugality?

Frugality is a virtue. At least, that's what many people in the financial space would claim. Being frugal is commonly seen as a good thing, presumably because it enables you to save more money. The environmentally conscious might see value in frugality...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Give Up, or Downshift?

Jesse shares a story about taking a group of kids hiking, and coming down with altitude sickness on the first day. He could have quit, but he figured out a way to re-route the hike where he could safely get through. It's not so different when working w...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Big Goals? Check. In the Meantime...

Big financial goals are great. It's what we live for at YNAB! But, life happens in between those big goals, and Jesse reminds you that it's ok to spend some money "in the meantime."   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sig...
  Jesse Mecham author

  A Fun Way to Do Fun Money

Jesse shares a fun way to handle "fun money" from long-time YNAB software engineer Kyle. Kyle suggests creating separate bank accounts for fun money with separate budgets as well. His method evolved from the desire to keep the visibility of fun money s...
  Jesse Mecham author

  The Utility (or Not) of the Month

We organize our lives by the calendar, and the calendar is organized into months. It's no surprise then, that we tend to think of finances in terms of months -- monthly payments, monthly contributions, having 3-6 months of expenses saved. The month has...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Maybe Just Buy the Thing (and Costco)

Jesse waxes poetic about Costco and how simple their model makes purchasing decisions. He also brings up the point that we often spend a lot of time searching for the best deal, for that one hot tip that will maximize our dollars for a certain purchase...
  Jesse Mecham author

  Let's Be Clear, I Hate Debt

Jesse delivers a good old fashioned rant about the evils of debt. While he may have softened his rhetoric over the past decade, Jesse is no less serious about his distaste for debt!   Got a question for Jesse? Send him an email:   Sig...