Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  567: The Future of Digital Health: Where Are We Headed with Steven Wardell

Sami talks with Steven Wardell, managing partner of Wardell Advisors LLC, about the lacking tech developments within the healthcare sector. Together they assess why digital health products have failed to maintain the same pace as other consumer techno...
  thoughtbot author

  566: Staying Grounded and Product Innovation with Tanu Chellam

Sami chats with Tanu Chellam, Senior Vice President of Product at Seldon ( and Chairperson of the Board at Atlas Rosetta (, about her journey and career in the world of products. Tanu covers her journe...
  thoughtbot author

  565: Coding Journeys with Will and Sami

Ever wondered how our Giant Robots hosts got into programming in the first place? In today’s episode Sami and Will take some time to dive into their coding journeys and the lessons they learnt along the way. Hear about their ambitions growing up and ...
  thoughtbot author

  564: Making humans more valuable, not less with Andrei Oprisan

Chad talks with Andrei Oprisan, head of engineering at Agent.AI (https://Agent.AI), about his new approach to making AI tools and agents accessible to everyone. Hear how the community are helping to shape and build on Agent.AI in ways the team neve...
  thoughtbot author

  563: Next-Gen Aging: The Venture Capital Perspective with James Hueston

Sami is joined by James Hueston, venture investor at Primetime Partners (, as they discuss technology’s failure to connect with the older generation. James explains how technology aimed at older people is often not fi...
  thoughtbot author

  562: The evolution of design sprints with Dawn Delatte and Elaina Natario

Chad talks with fellow thoughtboters Dawn Delatte and Elaina Natario about the evolution of design sprints within the company. Listen to how design sprints helped shape and streamline the discovery stage of work with clients, how it helps route out wha...
  thoughtbot author

  561: The One with Chad, Will, and Sami

thoughtbot hosts Chad, Will and Sami shoot the breeze in this laid back episode of Giant Robots as they discuss the ins and outs of being a parent and growing up with tech. The trio discuss how they manage screen-time with their kids as well as themsel...
  thoughtbot author

  560: Simplifying the Immigration Journey with Matt Gale

Chad is joined by Matt Gale, Chief Strategy Officer for Lawfully (, as they talk about the immigration process in the US and how Lawfully is helping both individuals and businesses track applications on the road to becoming US...
  thoughtbot author

  559: The European Accessibility Act: Are You Ready for 2025?

Sami and Rémy are back as your hots as they talk with fellow thoughtbot colleague Caro Sotillo Silva about new EU accessibility laws coming into effect later this year. Together they discuss the importance of keeping accessibility at the forefront of e...
  thoughtbot author

  558: Using AI to Bring Transparency to City Government with Vikram Oberoi

Chad talks with NYC local Vikram Oberoi about how he used AI to breakdown local city meetings into accessible bitesize chunks. Learn how Vikram tamed New York’s public records with AI, the lengthy review process involved to make it all and why his m...
  thoughtbot author