Art Is Not a Spectator Sport

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Ep 14c: What They Do (Duchamp’s Fountain)

to skip straight to Duchamp go to: 13:14 In the past couple of days there has emerged a conspiracy theory from several different people that this entire thing has been and continues to be an elaborate performance piece that Kanye is engaging in. The ev...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 14b: The Choice is Yours (Duchamp’s Fountain)

Church of Euthanasia aka when keepin’ it Dada goes wrong I do love Fountain, and I’m excited to talk about how dope it is, but my goal isn’t to get you to like it. Art history really isn’t about liking or disliking things. My hope is that by the end of...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 14a: Eff a War (Duchamp’s Fountain + Dada)

Duchamp didn’t come out of nowhere– he was working within an artistic tradition. Dada is a new tendency in art. One can tell this from the fact that until now nobody knew anything about it, and tomorrow everyone in Zurich will be talking about it. Dada...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 13: Strictly Business (Dutch Still Lifes)

Dutch Still Lifes Pinterest page 16th c. iconoclasm Peeters sets off the exotic Chinese porcelain with her inclusion of the more humble German ceramic ware jug. There’s a difference between the smooth, cold, hard glass of the wine goblet with condensat...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 12: Heaven Ain’t Hard 2 Find (James Hampton’s Throne)

This artwork is comprised of 180 separate objects, including altar tables, plaques, stars, wings, pedestals, and crowns, made from used and broken furniture, construction paper, glass jars, lightbulbs, tacks, tape, glue, tinfoil, and various other thin...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 11: Ladies First (Linda Nochlin)

NY Times obituary Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? pdf  It was institutionally made impossible for women to achieve excellence, or success, on the same footing as men, no matter what the potency of their so-called talent or genius. Christine...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 10e: Views (Mona Lisa & Landscape)

It looks like a subpar follower … That is not a Leonardo hand! These later artists aren’t doing the interesting things that they might have to engage with the work that Leonardo made. They’re engaging with the legacy that the work has NOW, which is a m...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 10d: Famous

Vincenzo Peruggia just took the painting out of its frame, and tucked it under his coat, and walked out. The Louvre closed for a week after the theft. There was an outpouring of grief from the public. In the first days when the museum opened after the ...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 10c: Smile (Mona Lisa)

Théophile Gautier wrote about the Mona Lisa in such a way that he literally imbued the painting with mystery, sensuousness, and even a little bit of danger. The arc of her lips appears to be about to erupt into divine sarcasm, heavenly irony, angelic d...
  Anna Goodman author

  Ep 10b: Next Level (Mona Lisa)

My particular favorite portrait by Leonardo is Lady with an Ermine— and this portrait pushed some of the boundaries before the Mona Lisa, although we’re gonna see how he takes some of the innovative things he was doing in Lady with an Ermine and levels...
  Anna Goodman author